
Actually sounds like Decoys 2: Alien Seduction, but with tge alien impersonating Jughead instead of hotchicks. Or maybe The Faculty - both works, and both are movies that were more entertaining than expected.

He’s eating his own seed? That seems counter-productive.

In this version, Jughead is really an alien, seeking to impregnate all of humanity with his spores.

As an ace, having the standalone Jughead comic that’s been one of the only pieces of popular media to specifically address some of the problems I’ve got in my life has been absolutely wonderful. I was so damn excited to have a very openly ace character on a major show when they announced the series, so this is kinda a

Can someone be awesome and get me out of the greys?

Huh...lobsters (larger insects of the filthy sea bottom) vs hot dogs (leftover meat bits in cylinders)... decisions, decisions... Well, TBH, hot dogs are cheap, and in this neck of the woods (Asia), chicken franks (which I don’t care for) are damn cheap. Lobsters still overpriced.

The practice of tasting fish as it is seasoned for gefilte fish gave rise to the term “Jewish Housewife’s Disease” for tapeworm infection.

I gave up Calamari because.....it sticks to the roof of my mouth.... 

Oil of wormwood, the fun ingredient of absinthe, is so named because its original use was to kill tapeworms.

A tapeworm, eh? Looks like this New Year’s resolution just got a whole lot easier!


And shrimp farming destroys local ecosystems, damages arable land and can contaminate freshwater sources.

Well, a good number were out to seduce you.

But the history of fairy lore is interesting—they go from full-size, pass as humans and fairly dangerous to cute little things hiding in flowers with wings. Neil Gaiman's pointed out that there are these references in ballads in Shakespeare to a kind of fairy mythology (just

What about one family being the sole surviving family of a natural disaster, and repopulating the earth with four males and four females, with one male/female pairing the biological parents of the other three males? It's an in-breeder's paradise.

And the one about Atheists never being able to resist telling everyone what they don't believe in...

Even when I was little girl, even younger than the girls in the photo, I wondered how anyone was fooled by those so obviously fake it's insulting The Cottingley "fairy photos." I wanted to believe in fairies. (Face it, what kid didn't want to see fairies? Well, that was until I dived deeper into the mythology and