
Once the tests showed that she was a carrier and that she should not work in the food industry, she should have been charged with depraved indifference for the deaths where she cooked after diagnosis.

Snakes are so sinuously beautiful.


When reached for comment, the cobra said, "Look, my whole life has basically been a fucking nightmare. First I was a novelty pet for some video game-playing loner who constantly smelled like Tostino pizza rolls. Now, I'm in a different cage and it feels like there's always a 10-year-old boy tapping on the glass,

Aww what a cute snake. Monocled eh?

Wasn't her main issue that she wouldn't wash her hands? Like take a shit and then go cook a nice meal without even rinsing? That eliminates most sympathy from the equation when you know she was told that was part of the problem.

But why couldn't she learn to wash her hands?

Yeah, my heart bleeds for poor Mary. No, what the city did to her was nothing like what Mary did to her employers and the people around her.

But her inability to understand or fix her condition, and her status as a poor immigrant are completely irrelevant here - she was indisputably a significant danger to society. She may very well have regarded her confinement as being imprisoned, but she wasn't being punished, she was being segregated to protect

Agree. Knowing the truth, she continued to spread the disease and therefore, she's a killer. I can't believe the authorities released her. That was a criminal slip up on their behalf.

I would have to say that what the city did to her was fairly justifiable and pretty standard, even for today's standards.

I love crows; absolutely love em. But they can be kinda dickish.

No... THIS is an awesome bra!

Eurasian magpies are corvids, australian magpies belong to the genus "butcherbirds" which is native to australasia. Australian magpies are black and white and have some similar behaviour to eurasian magpies, but they are not in the same genus

Well, you know how it goes. You find a mummy and you get wrapped up in all the excitement. One, one million. It's easy to exaggerate.

I'm glad that in the US corvids are protected as songbirds. Too many people see them as pests that chase away the "pretty" birds or "steal" from the bird feeder. I'm constantly having to tell people it's illegal to shoot them.

To state the obvious, no animal is an evil predator. Well, except some humans.

So. Newitz has gotten to you.

It's like the time Communist China got rid of most of their sparrows to protect their crops, & found that the bugs the sparrows had been eating got rid of even more of their crops.