I mean, I hear you, but there’s a world of difference between posting “I don’t care” and “here are two/three examples of things that have led me to no longer care.”
I mean, I hear you, but there’s a world of difference between posting “I don’t care” and “here are two/three examples of things that have led me to no longer care.”
I’m a big Dark Souls 2 defender. The journey from Shrine of Amana onwards, including the Giant Memory things and the DLCs, is such a Souls highlight for me. There are definitely some areas that make me either shudder or sigh, though.
I hate this new idea that celebrities and other people with means aren’t allowed to have bad days or admit to feelings like stress.
Calling people idiots for something this meaninglessly innocent is some seriously online shit. Thought I was on Kotaku for a second.
This entire comment is just so unnecessarily obnoxious.
Just to add on PinkyAnd...’s comment... if you can sunset archaic bits of your application it makes future deployments SO much easier to push out (less testing, etc.). The whole trend over the last decade or so in development has been deploying smaller, more manageable bits of functionality more frequently.
The main thing I’m getting from these posts and comments is how incredibly certain everyone is about the details of this entire game based on a short initial trailer.
Look, I’m an atheist personally and am kind of a mastur at having sex with myself, but is anyone else at least a little bit concerned that in this very special year of 2020, we just had an ancient snake immaculately conceive?
Yeah, this piece from Luke is almost certainly satirizing how people are making a huge deal online about a few square inches, but I don’t think that’s coming across...
I guess I’m the idiot because I appear to be the only one who thought this whole piece was satire. Like, the author skewering how people make a big deal out of a few extra square inches. The comments make me think I am... not correct about that.
Totally agree that the Palp granddaughter thing was silly. I just recall my thoughts coming out of TLJ was that Kylo was probably lying to her about her parentage to get her to go Dark Side with him. But you’re totally right: if the point was, “well, technically speaking her parents were nobodies because her grandfathe…
“Once they said she was no one in the second movie they had to stick with that.”
I don’t know either of them personally, but I do know a handful of McKinsey folk and Pete always reminded me of the rest of them: Exactingly cultivated personalities with principles that extend no further than their usefulness.
I feel so out of touch with modern gaming sometimes. I’ve played Destiny 2 almost daily since release and have never been even remotely tempted to spend actual money on the cosmetics. Every other player I know feels the same way. You’re still given plenty of chances to earn those items without paying anyway!
I think I entirely missed the joke you were making. I apologize. You just never know around here. I appreciate the reply that was both funny and nudged me to realize you’d been kidding initially.
Nobody below that age [25] should date anyone above it.
“Eat the rich indeed.”
I enjoyed this comment more than any Kotaku comment I’ve read in a long time. Though I have to say, some of the screeching replies telling you “your [sic] just jealous” were also quite enjoyable.
I was wondering when I read that part if he was implying he was drinking at the time (9:04 PM). While it might seem stupid to tell on yourself like that, I do often hear people try to invoke that excuse for stuff like this, as though it will absolve them in some way.
Look, guys, if you can’t play as Yaddle then I’m not interested.