Rare Endangered Vuvuzela


I would give fucking anything to be able to write like that. Holy shit. +1

The salary cap is undeniably a bad thing, but this argument in opposition to it doesn't make much sense. The idea that getting rid of the cap will give small-market teams a way to offer players something big-market teams can't offer doesn't stand up to even a moment's scrutiny: those big-market teams will still be

Hey Deadspin. Kelsie Fraser here. Your story needs some clarification. I knew Alvin but only in passing and I'm not a sworn police officer. I write and manage the blog but this particular post that you're referring to was penned by Cst. Derek Chesney of the Saskatoon Police Service who knew Alvin the best.

Hallelujah, amen, [insert religious wackity-shmackity words here] +1

What's he trying to say? That Tebow can dodge bullets now?

"Those Arizona Cardinals got a brunch of Fruit Tarts."

It's an abject shame that BIG MAYO has even Albert Burneko in its back pocket.

I read this in Foghorn Leghorns voice. And it was spectacular.

Dewey Decimal humor AND Civil War humor?

Wait until the umpire finds out the players were COMMUNICATING TO EACH OTHER USING SECRET HAND SIGNALS!!!!!

This piece did as much as anything to convert me from a Deadspin reader to a Deadspin addict. It's still my favorite thing that's ever run here.

Thorough and insightful, well done.

+1 yeah, that made me stop trying

Oh my. That's brilliant. +1