
Yes forget parenting, when everything goes wrong blame the Games.

I'd buy it, because lets face it since Sonic 3 the games have been awful.

lol 3337 gamer score....

A copy of World Of Warcraft

Wow another blow to Sony and a low one indeed.

Thats criminal! Companies shouldn't be allowed to do that.

Crysis warhead and Soul Calibur 4

my friends red ringed while playing Halo 3 at a lan party :(

£120 Halo 3: Legendary From Ebay

what the hell!? It's getting to the point where the collecytors edition may as well be the game with permenant marker pen writing on the side say "Collectors Edition".

Why waste time with a 32 core processor when programmers are avoiding the PS3 because 4 cores is a pain?

New campaign and charactor skins sound good but no Admiral Ackbar skin :O.

The Xbox pad feels more comfortable if you ask me it also has a bit of weight to it. The PS3 controller is too light and feels like i'm holding a cheap toy controller.

When playing with or against Ivy in Soul Calibur IV with her player 1 armour on.