
I think that Games For Windows if succesful could potentually revolutionise PC gaming back into mainstream again.

It's better that they are telling this now rather than later.

I got a cope of Freespace and Freespace 2 off ebay for £20, was over the moon I love those games I wish they could still make a Freespace 3.

I guess this is Microsofts way of tempting the "casual gamers in Europe" that they are so concerned about creating their console for.

Crysis Warhead college has ment I've not had the chance to play it properly yet.

Ah Red Alert how I still have a love affair with that game!

hah good! I really hope this guy wins it will mean a huge victory for PC gamers and general computer software consumers a like.

That game just arrived and I'm installing it now.

The question remains. Does this still mean we will see pc vs xbox 360 matches online like lost planet colonies?

"Come about. And shoot it in the ass."

How to speak American?! You can't! It's English and what makes it worse is the actor is ENGLISH! He should now have his passport/driving licence and anything linking him with Britain taken off him.

First person shooters that entire genre needs an injection of originality (with the exceptiuon of the Half Life games). This defernetely includes World War 1/2 games.

I can deal with on 3 computer install but not being able to make more than 1 account per install is terrible.

Yeh it's quite irritating, however you can force your family and loved ones to play offline so they don't find your beloved cock monster, however it could still appear in their game which would be more humerous.

Kari Wuhrer did set the bar for Tanya but I'm going to give Jenny a chance and I'm sure she will do well.

The front of my desk (the bit that holds my mouse and keyboard) collapsed while I was playing Command & Conquer 3 online and I faceplanted my desk.

18GB, thats a lot and pretty shocking seeing as the xbox version fits on a dvd perfectly. It's only 2GB more than Crysis: Warhead and it's no suprise as Liberty City is massive.

The game is immense and is defernetely the best blending of game genres ever, it is innovative and keeps calling me back for more.

So convenient it wafts of BS, so I guess Amazon won't mind if everyone reposts those reviews then. :D