
Meh, for £7.99 a month I get office for 5 computers and 1TB OneDrive storage. OneDrive actually works across all of my devices and not just the ones running iOS and Android.

FFS - Edit button = broken on this site.

Our buy

Maybe he was using big data solutions like Hadoop which would obviously be able to work 24 hours a day...

Then I recommend some Geography, History and English lessons.

You spelt Falkland wrong.

Do other planets definitely have bacon?

A question that doesn't seem to have been asked or answered.

When THQ had all their IPs sold off, who bought Freespace?

Sex ed in the UK is pretty poor in my opinion. Doesn't help that I was schooled in Roman Catholic schools which essentially preach a message of sex is about marriage. When I went to college to study digital comms we had mandatory sex ed which was much better in terms of contraception and STI but had no content on the

The problem is the hacking wouldn't exist if the rewards for completing missions weren't so tiny compared to the amount it costs to do anything interesting.

I've played Dead Rising 3, the framerate seems pretty smooth to me.

His mother died in 2009.

I'm definitely not going to miss the XMB, in my opinion it had so many basic flaws which made is incredibly slow and cumbersome to use. I'd go as far and say it was dire and an a lazy UI design.

1. Animation speeds - flicking through each section is so slow just going left to right.
2. Scrolling - Let me just get to

There's a distinct lack of iPlayer, I wonder if we will have to wait years for it this time round.

Sounds like PS3 style teething problems for devs. Having played some next gen games already I think a lot of people have much high fidelity expectations than we're really going to get.

Windows 8 is the marmite of windows. You either love it or you hate it.

Personally I think 8.1 has fixed enough gripes and has enough performance benefits that I would recommend it over 7, however with the cost associated with it I wouldn't necessarily suggest upgrading unless you really want metro apps (Halo: Spartan

You forgot Lady Gaga isn't human.

Based on one game? Forza is definitely running at 1080p native. Likelyhood is 3rd party devs are having teething troubles with the ESRAM.

What's intersting is that Microsoft first party games like the new Forza, which I think we can all agree looks astounding, has been confirmed running at 1080p.

Could it be that third party devs are having a Cell style nightmare with coding for ESRAM?