


Me too, so I tried to focus on the tiny guy in the background at 1:14 who appeared out of nowhere, wearing the same striped shirt. I'm imagining that being his soul walking the fuck away while saying "I'm outta here...see ya, asshole" and it makes me less sad.

No one. But "you were asking for it" shouldn't be the consequence of a sartorial decision.

OK, since I'm already getting my inbox flooded elsewhere, why not double the fun? (Note: feel free to ignore this, I'm venting because I'm in a shitty mood.)

Nice one, Madeleine. I'm most angry about the men who have had some experience with domestic violence or sexual harassment — and instead of being sympathetic to the women who are finally talking about having gone through the same thing only often a thousand times worse , every day of their lives, are using that

I was walking home from the bus stop one night around midnight. As I walked, I noticed a young women walking towards me who appeared to be out for a late night power walk judging by her outfit. Upon seeing me, 6'1 250lbs, dressed all in black, she took her massive wad of keys with pepper spray attached and switched

Serious question… Do you think that the Top 10 List from David Letterman, below, is related at the mild end of this same spectrum? These attitudes and jokes are of course pervasive in American culture. My Dad sent me this email string. It made me so sad and we are currently having an email standoff about it and

This is how I put it to my male officemates last year, when a member of the custodial staff had started making a habit of cornering female grad students who were working late/alone. "He's harmless! Have you ever talked to him? He's a funny guy!"

I reached a point of frustrated tears earlier this afternoon in my office too, after talking to my boyfriend and male labmates for the past few days and none.of.them.getting.it. And they're typically so good! They just literally couldn't see why this was all so infuriating, and why that failure to see it made it

Dear #NotAllMen,

I had a similar conversation with my college roommate's boyfriend. He was angry about 'women only' gyms. I couldn't make him understand that for too many reasons to count, lots of women feel vulnerable being in front of men when wearing gym attire.

I don't know if it's that I'm still feeling so deeply saddened by the Isla Vista shootings of a few days ago, or Maya Angelou's passing, but by the end of this article I was in angry/exhausted tears. It feels hopeless sometimes, because no matter what you say, there are still people who don't believe any of this

Thanks, Madeleine. My own mother started asking me if I hated men after explaining to her why I was participating in #YesAllWomen. I shouldn't have to. It's so basic. My mother considers herself a feminist and I still. have. to. explain. That's what gets me. That I have to go to such a basic level with so many people

Honestly, the most chilling thing about all of this is being afraid to leave my name on any of these websites or threads because I am actually afraid of being chased down by a crazy man, intent on harming me because I dared speak up.

I'm also angry for the many girls and women for whom the risk isn't out on a late night walk, but right in their very homes. Something about the place that should be the safest actually holding the most danger is just so cruel, and so very damaging.

It's interesting how everyone tries so hard to deny this guy hated women, even though he felt he deserved a hot blonde one, and the men who actually dated women rather than creepily staring at them. He wrote a fucking manifesto about it, people! It's not conjecture! And if his stupid ass plan had worked—to turn his

I dunno - how far and accurately can he throw a football?