
Not all French women.

I don't get the hate. Besides being interesting, intricate but simple all over...that HOOD! that hood!!! I just love this hood thing.

First, have your maid lace you into your hoop skirt. Then delicately wait for your gentleman companion to lend you a hand as you hop up onto your side-saddle trike. (You might want to take the trike in for an overhaul first, as it's over a hundred years old.)

Potato skin binge all weekend. For feminism....yeah feminism. It'll be a sacrifice that I'm willing to make.


He and Gary Oldman better have been 101 and 102.

THAT IS SO NICE. I would tell him you said so but he's off teaching trumpet and clarinet to an elementary school band class right now. [dies of cuteness, is a ghost]

The Sex Crimes Unit at the San Diego Police Department is being investigated. Here's a tidbit from a local news site:

I have nothing new to add other than that a guy that attempted to sexually assault me in high school ended up becoming a cop. Blech.

Wtf is this even supposed to be. It looks like a piece of toast in desperate need of a tampon.

how is that being a bad feminist? There's nothing inherently sexist about doing something for another person (be it cooking, cleaning, or something that crosses gender role lines). It would only feel weird for me if he insisted on my cooking BECAUSE I'm a woman or his girlfriend. I cook all the time for my now-husband

His hair gives is giving me a Creepy Thin Man from "Charlie's Angels" vibe, but blond, so very blond.

Thanks Erin. I was blowing off meditating for reading this article, but I still got a healthy dose of mindfulness. I'm going to stop struggling in this 300 sandwich world and live the middle path of zen where each sandwich is an act of meaning in itself, not a sandwich intended for a reward. All we have is the now

I think we could all use a hedgehog in an egg cup.

What in the fuckety fuck is this fucking fuckery! FUCK!

I hope this isn't an out of place comment, but can we somehow please bring Hiddles into this?? Should I find an online photo and make him become a feminist icon too?