
I recently rewatched The Shining and it’s so strange the discourse around her in it because her performance not only isn’t bad, it’s uniquely good. It’s honestly one of the most brutally realistic depictions of a woman in an abusive relationship. It’s interesting too because throughout the movie she’s legitimately

An icon of a bygone era an example of both the highs and lows of that Director-driven New Hollywood era. Her role in the Shining is iconic and traumatic, her role in Popeye is perfectly cast.

I understand. She probably told her reps she only wanted to deal with anti-vax distributors and when they could only find one, they kept the exact details from her. Tale as old as time.

Executives and senior “leadership” in every industry are largely a bunch of incompetent sociopaths and morons. NONE of them “earn” their exorbitant pay and perks through competence and capable leadership.

It seems like common sense to me that giving someone the option of consuming quality entertainment in their own home whenever they want vs. forcing them to drive to a strange place and contend with schedules and the masses, most people will opt for the former. Going out to see a movie has to be something I voluntarily

I’m unsure why the AV Club has decided to make “sneeringly cynical” the standard tone for all articles, but congratulations for a sneering, cynical article about a fun looking TV show.

Kindof done with Waititi’s brand atm. While I still enjoy Thor: Ragnarok (though I think it was a bit overhyped), Thor: Love & Thunder was an absolute mess. I’m not sure how involved he is with What We Do In The Shadows these days, but the less the better.

Frankly, I think it’s a good change. You don’t want to trick people into thinking this is some light hearted tale set on Aoshima.

Her inevitable death is not in vain, though; her dragon explodes on impact with the ground, wiping out almost the entirety of Criston’s ill gotten army.

Parenting grades for the episode:

Loved the battle so much. And am so glad that Jace and Aemond have more things to do now. Daemon is also finally interesting to me!

Normally I question the necessity of some of his in-jokes, especially for insignificant footnote characters or houses. That said, when I read that House Wyl of Not Appearing In A Song Of Ice And Fire was given a black adder as a sigil I did appreciate the shout-out to my favorite British comedy.

You know what? Maybe “pretty dull TV” is EXACTLY WHAT WE SHOULD WANT FROM OUR PRESIDENT.

Why not both? Trump had four years of horrific policies on his record and anyone who was awake from 2016-2020 saw it go down in real time. The undecided voters already know he let COVID spread unchecked for months and kill millions, and they know he set up phony contracts with his friends to get paid for a border wall

no-one cares that Trump is a lying sociopath - we know he is and if you like him, you see it as the price for a stacked Supreme Court, and if you don’t like him, you already knew all that. Attacking Trump on personalty and ethics will get Biden nowhere - attack the actual policies and his record, and then you could

Her show was not done by the Dan S. house at Nickelodeon, if I understand correctly. So yeah, her situation would be different because she wouldn’t have interacted with him really.

Also, after looking into it her Nickelodeon show Unfabulous is one of the few live-action shows that Dan Schneider wasn’t involved in, it was one of those more modern (and frankly much better) multi-camera sitcoms that were just never as popular as Schneider and his team’s more traditional single-camera sitcoms.


I’m betting the latter. I mean, he managed to kill Mira Sorvino’s career, which, as someone who was introduced to her in The Replacement Killers and fully fell in after Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, makes me incredibly furious.

If you look over a list of Weinstein’s accusers, it’s absolutely loaded with nepo babies. I wonder if he specifically targeted them, or if he just creeped on every young woman who crossed his path, which happened to include a lot of nepo babies.

 But it also must be noted that Roberts comes from a showbiz family: character actor Eric Roberts is her father, and Julia Roberts is her aunt. That reputation in itself makes her less likely to experience the kind of abuses that her less seasoned peers might endure.