
After reading this I’m thinking maybe we would be better off with AI-written articles.

It works though. People have already forgotten the downright all-time historic embarrassment that was the GOP House Follies last year, and are now focused on Joe having a bad night in front of the cameras.

Boeing Would Like Everyone to Please Stop Saying the Starliner ISS Test Is a Bust”

Sorry, but I’ve come to absolutely hate 100% cotton clothing and actually prefer something closer to a 50/50 blend of cotton and polyester. 100% cotton feels nice the first couple times I wear it, but I tend to wear an article of clothing for years, I literally wear them out. Cotton just doesn’t stand up to repeated

I KNOW this will happen at my job, I can’t wait to see what happens.

And then you have wealthy Republican right-wingers like Michelle Mack organizing multi-million dollar crime sprees across California, allowing other Republicans to scream about how the crime sprees are because California is “soft” on crime, instead of the fact that millionaires and funding the sprees.

“I leave my iPod Nano, full of music to take life less seriously by.”

Her name is Melissa Etheridge.

Then why aren’t they putting those signs up in Texas, where the limit is more than twice as high?

It’s called “satire” and it is intended to point out the ridiculously lenient and laissez-faire attitude that the California legal system has toward crime. Goes to lack of enforcement, not threshold for a misdemeanor.

Misdemeanor shoplifting can absolutely carry jail time. The real problem for the wealthy? Misdemeanor offenses serve time in county jail which is public, while felonies are served in for-profit prisons. Under the current system they can’t make money off of shoplifters. That’s it and that’s all.

Burials are for the living. They don’t mean a thing to the dead.

“And I’m not a clone. I’m not a clone.”

I am sure this has happened countless times in Star Wars, not to mention every battle/shootout movie ever made. Is the planet supposed to be uninhabited? Let’s imagine that Sol radio’d the authorities, or sent the ever-present droids to do something with the bodies.

I don’t have a problem with the underlying spirit of this sign, fake though it may be. In the 1960s in Haight-Ashbury we had a thing called the Diggers Free Store. No merchandise in the Free Store had a price tag. The Free Store was predicated on the idea that freedom involves first liberating the imagination from

I sort of assumed that once (and if) the area became safe for civilian traffic things would sort of take care of themselves; either Sol informs the Jedi of their comrades and they are collected, or the Jedi do the math themselves when they don’t hear back from the 9 Jedi that were supposed to be on-planet. That’s one

That’s what I think as well they were booking it out of their to regroup. I‘m also pretty sure that they did think there was a good chance he was still alive for 2 reasons. 1) This guy just cut through a bunch of jedi fairly easily and apparently force levitation is a thing. Plus that seems like something a jedi

Turner D. Century knows how to bide his time. With a Kite Man show, Turner’s turn is just around the corner...

Now playing

I think HISHE might like a word with MAX:

I assumed they’d be sending a recovery team.