This is incredible and a perfect way to start the season!
This is incredible and a perfect way to start the season!
Best thing to happen to ears this week 🍻
Great way to kick it off. Their cover of Wayward Son remains the best version.Â
I don’t think I’ve ever clicked an article as quickly as I just did and it delivered everything I wanted it to.
I used to tweet gifs back and forth with them back when Twitter was less of a hellscape and it was oddly wholesome
You’ve got some great Gwar AVC Undercover videos to discover.
great cameo in empire records as well!!
James Gunn's The Suicide Squad is actually really good. (have to write it out so people don't mistake it for the other shittier suicide squad) but yeah animation wise DC has been the heavy hitter for a while now...just so long as you don't look at the cars...or planes...or for gotham by gas light the giant set piece…
Oh cool I enjoyed the first season of this, but I thought it got cancelled along with the Patton Oswald-voiced, Robot-Chicken-looking MODOK show, also on Hulu. Glad to see it’s alive and well, I’ll check out Hit Monkey for at least another season
Aemond and Daemon are obviously meant to be parallels, and they're treated the same way in the text: the unreliable narrator paints them as self-interested loose-cannons, but if you actually examine their actions, they're both dutiful to a fault and totally committed to the cause. I think Daemon in particular is much…
The Freys are notorious fence-sitters in the main series, so George playfully inverts that in Fire and Blood, having them declare for Rhaenyra almost immediately and participate in the very first battle of the war. Contrast this with the Starks, who sit on their hands for almost the entire war despite being so…
“But as in the essay he published when his misconduct was brought to light back in 2017, C.K. doesn’t seem interested in atoning for his actions.”
If he never left, we would never get Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, so he made the right choice
This looks good and I think it’ll do well. No huge, bewildering array of characters; straightforward and familiar hook of top agent out to rectify some traitorous wrong; three totally bankable “cool” stars.
Gotta admit, this looks more interesting than anything that’s come down the pike in a long time. I know trailers can deceive, especially MCU trailers. I like the Winter Soldier political vibe, Ford looks excited to be there (and the mustache line is a nice sidestep for the change of actors), and the action looks like…
She regains her faculties after that gunshot wound to her brain last week, but it doesn’t explain why she didn’t let Homelander in on her plan in regards to A-Train.
Homelander sends BII MK2 and Deep to The Boy’s hideout to kill them- 1.) why didn’t he go to have that “scorched earth” with Butcher and 2.) if he knows where their hideout is, why wait til now? He was pretty eager to kill Hughie a few episodes ago, what changed?
“and whatever the hell Frenchie has been up to”
Milla Jovovich should do a “Drunk With Milla” podcast and invite a co-star to watch one of her movies each week. She and Michelle Rodriguez seemed completely hammered for Resident Evil 1 and it was funny listening to sober Paul W. S. Anderson’s commentary get derailed over and over.