
Thats a good point.  I mean life was often miserable when GOT ended.  Now?  I turn on the news to, a dictator invading and killing hundreds of thousands in Eastern Europe.  An allied nation casually blowing up civilians every day.  A presidential election that threatens to tear democracy apart.  Who wants to sit back

Short sighted fools. Your entire business depends on a stable country where the rule of law prevails and we have predicted, peaceful transitions of political power.

if you’re registered to vote, head to a polling place or send in your paper ballot this fall and vote dem. If you’re eligible and not registered, register. We can NOT let the GOP gain any more power. Whatever issues people have with the dems and Biden, and many are legit, they are nothing compared to the damage the

This has always been the right-wing definition of “apolitical”. When your politics ARE the status quo, you can just point at all of us on the left protesting for change and say only WE are being “political” or bringing politics into places they claim it wasn’t previously.

Sorry, but if you think going through the standard legal process and losing in a jury trial is “weaponizing the justice system” while the sitting president’s own son is now on trial and everyone on the right is basically shouting and boasting about how they plan to weaponize the justice system themselves the earliest

I think a lot of it is that the actual tech entrepreneur is kind of extinct at this point. What you have now are grifters who promise vaporware tech that will happen “one day” if you just keep giving them money, or some “hot new tech” that’s really just the same useless garbage we’ve already got just repackaged in a

I mean if dumb asses like those and ones in southern Florida want to keep voting for Repbulicans who deny global warming, let them eat the hurricanes

The south never saw a lost cause it wouldn’t commit to. 

Provide access now, or give it up in a few years when your house is destroyed. I’m good with either way.

The simple answer is for De Santis to sign legislation that states that the beaches *aren’t* eroding, and that will be the end of that.

Public funds for public land, makes sense to me.

i mean yeah? who doesnt love money. plus other than producing anything hes acted in hasnt been that great. like that spy tv show. it had a ton of hype because he was gonna Eddie Murphy it but then like the day after it premiered never saw a peep about it.

The strange thing about the easement controversy is that these waterfront residents don’t fully own the beaches behind their homes — in fact, most of the county’s beaches are already public. State law provides that all Florida beaches with artificial sand are public up to the “erosion control line,” which is about

RDJ was fantastic in Oppenheimer. He played that role so well, in my opinion.

Isn’t the real problem here that we’re even building on these islands? They seem like the type of island that will change and morph over time naturally as currents/storms/etc blow across them.

I have zero pity, and zero sympathy, for people who have houses along shorelines.    Any shoreline.  River, lake, stream, sea, ocean.  It’s a wildly mercurial environment, and if you won’t step up to help the government that’s TRYING to help YOU, then you get what’s coming to you, which is a very indifferent Mother

This feels like a self-correcting problem. When the houses wash away, they can rebuild the beaches for all to enjoy.

I’m normally Team “They bought their tickets, let ‘em crash” in these situations, but the real conflict to me seems to be between the State law and the easement policy. If the intent of the easement is truly to allow for access to prevent erosion rather than to allow the general public access to an area they already

Calling it now.

I don’t see why this should be coming from the taxpayers, if they want it to be private then make the owners pay for it and/or raise the sales tax. When the storms come it’s on the owners.