
If Elon’s recent antics at Tesla are any indication, especially regarding the charging team, he is also trying to kill electric cars.

The dead dinosaur industry gets trillions in subsidies. If we removed subsidies from both gas and electric cars, the electrics would win instantly, both because they’d be cheaper, and they are the superior technology.

I wonder if they gave Carrie a green lightsaber because she was in the Matrix.

Switching side from what to what? He announced back in 20corona already that he would vote Dump, and his behavior has been consistent with that since, and I think few on the side of thought and reason would be willing to take him back at this stage, would he ever even attempt to reverse course. People just wouldn’t

Switching sides to the side that finds him ridiculous and racist? Switching sides to the side that has no interest in his xenophobia? Switching sides to the side that doesn’t live and breathe to validate his every inane pronouncement?

Herr H was a lot younger than the Orange Menace though, assuming the barrel of toxic sludge misses the 2024 train, he’ll be like 83 the next time ‘round and none the fresher for the experience. Assuming he still lives at that point and his brain still works well enough for him to not stand there and drool on stage,

We’re at a point where we need fucking space aliens to come and save us from ourselves in order to be able to survive the multiple crisis we’re busy creating for ourselves.

If it were to happen, it needs to happen after the RNC convention and his name is already on the ballot. If it happened sooner, they would replace him, probably with Haley, who would likely beat Biden.

“A decade”. It was more like half a century. Hell, there’s still a country or two out there where leaded petrol is still being sold.

Beat me to it

Don’t count on it, and even if it happens, don’t forget Hitler went to jail for treason before he became Chancellor. Trump will absolutely use a conviction to gain support.

When Tesla refuses to give him $50B ?

Either as Booster Gold or as Hal Jordan... I rather prefer Glen Powell as Hal Jordan.

But...but...but my ETHICS prevent me from voting for Biden

Same here bud. 

Hate to tell you, but a conviction won’t change a single thing about him, his base, or the upcoming election.

The more degrading his final moments are, the better. I want him to beat Elvis’ impaction-related M.I. by a factor of 100. Ideally on camera, in some mishap that causes his hair to wilt to its pre-hairspray position, maybe some wet bronzer streaking down his face like he’s been bukaki’d...

I have to give his arteries credit, they must be made of the strongest material in the universe.

Right after he gets rid of all DEI initiatives (during which I’m sure he’ll be out personally painting over the lines on disabled parking spots).