
I’m really wondering too. If it were something criminal or really unethical, he wouldn’t be that dumb to keep tweeting. If it was a question of being an ego and an asshole in the office, I hope he can find some humility and treat his co-workers better the same way he treats the fans.

DeMayo’s twitter replies als have a lot more interesting details from the finale that cleared up some holes. (SPOILERS) (Jubilee and Sunspot were in the stratosphere and had oxygen when they exited Asteroid M. Rogue was able to breathe because she delibertly knocked Bastion into the Blue side of the moon. Storm, Morph,

“...because it’s so raw and wriggling...”

So lets set a few things straight here.

Synergy Marine will do everything in its power to make sure the crew are well fed and healthy now, so that they are well prepared to endure the years of scapegoating, legal liability, and under-bus-throwing to follow.

I mean I knew this info from the local stations here in Baltimore. Like the phone thing was in the news the week before he precision cuts happened. 

Oh, finally a tie-in movie for last year’s game of the year, Lord of the Rings: Gollum!  It’s about time!

First time director also starring in heavy motion capture/SPFX blockbuster” is not the game plan I would feel comfortable with if I was a Warner CEO trying to navigate the choppy waters of the movie biz these days.

Identifying items or creatures and basic parts of their anatomy is a machine learning process that I’m very interested in for photography; most of today’s camera makers have been using machine learning to have the camera identify objects in the scene, and even parts of those objects you’d want to focus on. It makes

... yet.

I remember the same argument made by anti-vaxxers during COVID. “Well I’ve been to plenty of group gatherings and nothing ever happened to us it’s all a ‘scamdemic!? yuck yuck yuck yuck”
And then came the tearful social media pleas for prayers and donations.

There’s a wider world outside your bubble. 

Why ‘Multimodal AI’ Is the Hottest Thing in Tech Right Now

Some of it may be legal offenses, but a lot could fall under free speech, though I’m not sure how that works in Ireland. Could be the most security could do is yell “Hey you kids! Bugger off!”

The big difference for me is that Phantom Menace really dumbed tings down and leaned into the kiddie aspect, while The Motion Picture went the other direction and was much more cerebral than the show ever was.

I am once again rooting for the Orcas.  

Yea, they’ll grow to adults and stop, but not before teaching the next generation of orca kiddos to sink boats

This group of juvenile males”

Well, there you go. They’re Brorcas.

I think The Phantom Menace was the best anyone could expect out of pure, unadulterated George Lucas. He needs the Gary Kurtzes and Marcia Lucases of the world to keep him in check, and no one on TPM was willing to do that. I also think that what Lucas does well he does excellently in TPM, and I still get bolts of joy

These teen cetaceans are out of control!

You win the internet for today I think! lol A 50-foot yacht isn’t particularly rich though, it’s just mildly well-off really.

I LOVE THIS COMPARISON. This probably helps to explain why, when I finally caught up with ST:TMP after years of hearing it was bad, I thought... uh... this seems kind of great?! I’d have to rewatch them all to be sure, but it might be my favorite of the original six. And I’m not even a big Trekker! I’ve mostly just