
It always comes back to weight gain or less because that’s easy to measure, even if it’s irrelevant to health.

It could offer something new in the edit. The rooftop concert had multiple cameras on the band, on the street, and in the Apple lobby. Get Back did lots of cutaways to reactions on the street and the police trying to get past reception and shut it down.

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You know, the MCU put off depicting Nidavellir dwarves and it seemed safe to assume that like in the comics they’d be barely distinguishable from Tolkien or AD&D. It was a beautiful twist when they finally cast Dinklage as Eitri and made him TEN FEET TALL. They forge weapons for gods so why not.

Yep. It’s ironic on Amazon Prime to see a great series like The Expanse get review-bombed with one star ratings because they make you WAIT A WHOLE WEEK for each episode and baby wants his binkie NOW.

Love is not just a strongly held opinion. It’s expressed in behavior. The fundamental sanity of loving yourself is to treat yourself lovingly. Try to figure out what you need. Care for your own well being. Keep trying even when it’s frustrating. Be kind, patient, forgiving.

God I forgot about that. The bedtime sketch. “We can’t get a good night’s sleep unless we’ve had a good beating!”

I wish it could work that way (enjoying the art again) for Fat Albert. That was part of my childhood and there was so much good about it. The kids were all misfits and accepted each other. Albert was the popular one. They dealt with stuff like talking about child abuse.

I was a 70's kid and 80's teen. At my college alma mater, after I graduated, some bright youngster figured out that playing Stop Making Sense on a giant projection screen made a terrific dance party. It became a tradition, they started also doing it at reunions, and it turns out that everyone from Gen Z to Boomers can

Andrew Garfield wasn’t the problem with his Amazing Spider-Man movies. For some reason Sony had to hand the reins to Marvel Studios and make complicated IP sharing arrangements for concepts like “write a good script” and “cast the villains memorably.”

So far, the biggest question is why Boba Fett even wants to be crime lord of the outer rim.

The middle of the movie will grind to a halt while they introduce interconnected spinoffs for M, Q, Moneypenny, Jaws, Tiger Tanaka, Kananga, and Oddjob.

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At yet it still wasn’t the worst Marvel musical.

Why isn’t AVClub writing about the important questions, like how Shang-Chi’s aunt finds time to also lead a crew of Ravagers, or how did Sersi survive her Kree fighter blowing up, or how will they explain Cottonmouth reincarnating as a day walking vampire killer!? The whole MCU has been downhill since they didn’t

What would have made the whole thing worthwhile would have been a single pan to Yelena’s baffled but fascinated face.

To me the musical number was funny for how terrible it was, but that’s asking a lot of the viewer. And I sort of cringed that this is what people will think Broadway musicals are like (though the tourist shows might very well be.)

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While I enjoyed the episode more than the reviewer, my overall complaint is that only six episodes left me wanting more. More time to let the stories and relationships build and play out. More resolution with Yelena. And above all more Kate Bishop! It felt like we barely got to experience her.

It’s like the first season of Vikings from an alternate timeline where everything is candy.

I’m just glad the MCU also punted on trying to make a live action version of Osborn’s hair.

There’s already a perfectly good sequel out.

It was great on its own merits. A live scifi comedy series telling the story and characters from Cowboy Bebop. It wasn’t a “live anime” because that would be pointless. As pointless as the complaints that it didn’t simply use its actors as meat puppets to recreate the anime. The original Cowboy Bebop was stellar but