
“Everyone hated it,” yeah except me and everyone I know. I loved every bit of it and would resubscribe to Netflix to see more.

But this is NOT Busy Bee. This? Is a fish.

For a TV series I want Trevor Slattery leading a group of elderly ex-cons who are all classically trained actors (ac-TORs.) They argue about the craft, boast about past ovations, bring up each other’s embarrassing TV work, and only accomplish anything thanks to the alcoholic monkey from Caged Heat.

As a kid who saw the original Star Wars theater release, and watched the Holiday Special when it aired, I only had a vague sense anything was wrong. It wasn’t especially stranger than most 70's television.

That is indeed the status quo in the comics. Two Spider-men, two Hawkeyes, multiple Novas, multiple Thors, sometimes working together.

Paul jamming Get Back into existence from thin air was both breathtaking and a moment we would never see in a music biopic, which would have done something like

Runaways has a lot more to offer than you give it credit for. The characters from the comics get to live and breathe, but keeping the parents in the story fleshed out and sometimes sympathetic antagonists with their own struggle took way better advantage of the live cast than the original comic could have. And making

Xanadu was never good. I was alive (-i-i-i-iiiiive) when it came out. Any nostalgia is for the soundtrack’s greatness or the movie’s unabashed badness. It had fantastic radio hit songs, star power in ONJ and Gene freaking Kelly, and utterly inept shooting and editing that didn’t turn these into anything watchable.

Les Moonves was fired from CBS for sexual harassment in 2018, and this year had to give up his $120 million severance. It would be poetic if this documentary now dragged his name in the popular culture the way he dragged Janet Jackson’s career.

It’s a generation or two after the Star Bridge fell, so the Scar has had plenty of time to transition from freshly devastated to flourishing abundance of cheap real estate.

Sorry to ask this but can SOMEONE get me out of the grays on Lifehacker?

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And why don’t any of these people hold a torch for Can’t Stop The Music?

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As a 70's kid and 80's teen Caddyshack was this big revelation everyone talked about and quoted from. It was boldly transgressive for its time and let Bill Murray just do his thing. But I really wonder how much of it would now even be entertaining, let alone funny. Same for a lot of those early National Lampoon era

I think we take him for granted now that he’s done several Vampiric Council cameos.

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The Incredible Journey, the 1963 original version Homeward Bound, two dogs and a cat trekking across the American wilderness looking for their family. At one point the cat tries to cross a stream and is swept away in the tides. DAMN YOU WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY.

It’s an exclusive on Nebula (which is easy to get discounted or free, and in my opinion easily worth the $$$ to check out) but Lindsay Ellis did a pretty comprehensive analysis of Could Blazing Saddles Be Made Today.

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Disco origin stories with celebrity athletes that depict iconically gay people and lyrics as if no one is gay just don’t get made anymore.

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Fifty million Frenchmen can’t be wrong! Wheeeeeeeeee.

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It’s amazing to realize “The Candy Man” was written for Willy Wonka and only later got picked up by Sammy Davis Jr. Anthony Newley was afraid no one would ever hear any version but the movie’s, which was fine for the scene but not radio quality.

At least in the Tri-State area vampires seem prone to the mass casualties rate of Stormtroopers.