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You deserve more than one star for bringing up these movies. That was a brief happy time we could see Janeane Garofalo’s face on the giant screen. Uma Thurman snuck in some fine comedy like the dessert eating scene.

I’m not sure why it needs to be a musical but it looks like an inspired adaptation and an excellent vehicle for Peter Dinklage, who doesn’t get nearly enough lead roles. By dumb luck I saw The Station Agent in the theater. He was why I started watching Game Of Thrones and one reason I stuck through the final seasons.

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Not quite true. What happened was Weinstein visited the set and tried to influence the career of Miranda Otto. They caught the whole thing on camera and just left it in.

Just open the border with Gaul!

An energy vampire’s powers are redundant in the presence of Multi Level Marketing. So hey it’s good for something.

Quoting Monty Python when no one asked you to at least used to be a common Energy Vampire tactic. Akin to talking like Jar Jar Binks.

For freezing fruit, I’ve found it’s much easier to put the fruit into ziploc bags laid flat on a baking tray. Get out as much air as you can and seal the bags. When the fruit is frozen it’s already in bags.

Way better than C+ to me. This felt like a preview of Love And Thunder and a revisit of the first two Thor movies with the joyful chemistry and visual flamboyance from Ragnarok. If not for the upcoming movie, who would have expected to get Natalie Portman back playing Jane and having fun with it? I couldn’t find a

Yay Cookie Monster! Tell Jonathan Frakes we miss him.

It checks out. As a Gen X who grew up in the 70's SoCal accurately depicted in Boogie Nights, Licorice Pizza immediately evokes driving to the cool neighborhood to buy records from hip and possibly criminal sales staff.

While it’s total speculation, I think Elder conceded (despite the “election fraud” website at the ready) because he got a stern dressing down from the “business” Republicans who bankrolled the recall.

Portland’s Reddit is duly annoyed at how sexy this new bridge is.

TRUST A BRO on exploding van. Tracksuit Draculas are CONFIRMED BRO.

While I’m willing to believe Colin Robinson is genuinely a freak with an outspoken poop fetish, I could also imagine he’s just doing it to feast on his housemates’ discomfort.

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The live concert footage from the Rumors, Tusk, and Mirage tours is a blast to watch. It’s clear the band members are pissed at each other, and personally don’t care for certain songs. But they also know they make incredible music together, and just power through it with legendary results. A rare case of being able

How amazing was Kayvan Novak in this doing imitations of all his cast mates imitating him. And playing straight man to rampaging Nadia, and again while being undermined by Guillermo when talking to the camera.

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Shore Leave is absolute proof Q Force is a missed opportunity. Just give him his own show with is own squad who similarly love being secret agents and love being who they are.

I have one and use it 99% unintentionally. The rest of the keyboard has keys that only activate if you physically press them. The Touch Bar activates if you so much as slightly brush it. So you’re constantly activating touch bar keys or being very careful not to.

Like a lot of comedians she does pain and vulnerability well. She’s surprisingly raw and genuine in Must Love Dogs, which I unwisely watched after suddenly losing my beloved cat since it’s about a woman in the aftermath of suddenly losing her beloved dog. I don’t know if it’s a good movie but I appreciated that her

And a team up with Namor until it goes badly.