Gaia's Wrath

The problem is, it’s not just a desire to appeal to males that’s the problem, even female viewers want female characters to be physically-attractive. You can see this in how Disney princesses all have the exact same faces and are all physically-attractive. While the male characters can look all kinds of goofy and no

More the “not anyone named Clive” doesn’t get that level of delving into their character.

Its 100% disingenuous, Jill is actually great in the game, her being pretty has nothing to do with it, she’s not even dressed in any kind of overtly sexual way that would normally be the case for a female character in these games.

Jill is great In the game I genuinely don’t know what the author is on about because she’s actually not even close to the worst female character in a ff game let alone tonnes others.

The author claims that Jill “doesn’t speak”, but she literally has more lines of dialogue than every character other than Clive. So yes, it’s disingenuous.

But here’s the thing: Final Fantasy, the very spirit of the series, is about so much more than standing patiently on one side of a battlefield waiting to clobber the enemy. Story has always been at its heart; beautiful tales of cinematic melodrama are what makes the series sparkle. The heroes, the romance, the

Yes it is. You menioned Bond, and that’s in my wheelhouse so...

This is very much a “Old man yells at clouds” kind of deal for sure, and it’s something of a wider issue in general. Any time any series pivots to a different gameplay style, particularly a more “active”, style, or simply go real-time, you get some segment of players screaming endlessly about how the series is ruined

There’s a very real problem with people making good arguments and communicating valid criticism in general. That’s par for the course I guess in 2023, because an argument about “natural evolution of the RPG format” is a thin thesis argument, and knocking those for not liking character action games, is not even valid

“Everything can be only one thing forever

It’s like arguing that Marvel movies are about reinvention simply because superhero fans see cinematic differences between different films whereas the average viewer just sees them all as the same thing.”

guess what, it is Final Fantasy. It’s literally Final Fantasy. The sixteenth one, to be exact.

Whether fans like it or not, the game sold 3 million in one week. Not bad for the series’ first Mature mainline game that is currently exclusive to one console. Also, this is a lots of peoples’ first Final Fantasy, meaning an Action RPG Final Fantasy will be their idea of nostalgia in the future. Personally, it’s the

Nobody should have to convince you.  It says “Final Fantasy” on the box. It’s Final Fantasy. Period. That you dislike it is irrelevant to that fact. 

I see the logic behind the outcry, but precisely because it’s the depiction of a fictional world wherein a royal sharkman marries a noble sharkwoman, I think it’s fair to say that taking offense at the marriage because it somehow ruins whatever assumed dynamic between Link and Sidon is in itself reflective of the

I just can’t understand fans inability to believe 2 character can just be friends.  Like EVERY friendship seems like it MUST be a sexual relationship, it’s just strange, and a little creepy.

Thats a bit silly. Presenting it in the article as “GOTY contender” and implying that it was universally beloved while not even acknowledging that your own publication reviewed it pretty negatively comes across like just trying to farm clicks by appealing to drama.

It’s a slow-paced artsy walking simulator centered around a rather heavy-handed social message.

This game IS an RPG. It’s an action/rpg, but still and RPG. Historically in most final fantasy games you have very little narrative choice outside of side quests. You get weapons from crafting, purchasing, or loot. Rarely do you beat a boss and get a new weapon or piece of armor. The ‘roleplay’ in these games has

This is just bizarre gatekeeping. A game doesn’t need to check off a list of pre-approved gameplay elements to be an RPG.