Gaia's Wrath

This wasn’t about letting 3rd party devs “do whatever they want.” Christian Selig, the dev who created Apollo, admitted that paying for API was something that he knew would eventually have to happen. It was Reddit’s outrageous pricing and accelerated implementation of the charges that wouldn’t allow him to adjust

Except that isn’t the issue at all. The issue is not if they should charge or even any limits they are putting on using the API. The issue is how much money they want and how much time the app devs have to implement changes.

Monster Hunter absolutely isn’t colonialist. There are many types of colonialism, but just having a society that takes resources from nature is not colonialist in any way. In fact the game goes out of it’s way to not have any natives in the “new world” (if you’re talking about MH World specifically) and it’s only

Something tells me it has more to do with fairly inexperienced kids and young adults being told of potential raises that never come and not realizing that they’re going to be expected to work like they’re getting paid commission when they aren’t, all while under constant threat. Seems like you just like to complain

He would have been such a good father, right? He’s probably a lot like you. A nothing, worthless, little boy who can’t make anyone happy. You’re not good at anything. Your family hates you. Everyone is so repelled by you that you’ll never know the love of another human being. We all know it would be better if you

This is maybe one of the top five worst takes ever posted on Kotaku.

such as?

That’s not always the case. I watch Funhaus not because of the games they play, but because they are a comedy channel that happens to play games. They definitely have introduced me to games I later bought.

Michelle Obama and George Bush didn’t strip the U.S. of Roe v Wade or hundreds of thousands of live due to covid, or anything else that’s the direct result of that orange fuckwit. So yes, that’s my mentality. And go fuck yourself.

*rolls eyes*

Christian actor Zachary Levi reveals it was therapy and faith in God that helped him out of the pit of depression in his new memoir, hoping it can help others facing the same situation.”

I’ve already finished it so I’m good. Hope your day is better

We’re so lucky to live in this world where jokes don’t exist and everything is super serious all the time <3 <3 <3 <3

I replayed Blazing Blade last year and it’s still a masterpiece. It holds up so well because the mechanics, while streamlined, gel together so perfectly. It’s kind of astonishing how the lack of options in battle makes it actually feel more tactical. Like a game of chess, the specific strengths and weaknesses of your

Keep simping, they still don’t like you. Amazing how many people have this energy for Chris making a joke, but had nothing to say when female comics made jokes about Jada banging a junkie in Will’s home, DURING THE SAME BROADCAST. It’s almost like humiliating Black men is acceptable, but mildly offending a black

Hopefully this was commissioned by Will and Jaida and you got a fee because...woof this was not it at all.

Did Rock PHYSICALLY ASSAULT anyone during his set? NO. Then he didn’t deserve to be PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED himself. Don’t like what someonee says or stands for? Cancel their ass; don’t put your fucking hands on them!

What are you talking about? Are you insane? So the next time someone says some more foolishness to me or just trifling, they deserve to be slapped? My Pops slapped me in the face when I was 16, 40 years ago and I still feel it. My crime? Skipping school. The result was a decades-long estrangement. I don’t know if you

Decent bait. 

Condoning or encouraging violence in response to words is a toxic trait. I do my best to never hang out with someone who does that, or allow them to influence me. Of course Will Smith is powerful and rich enough to resort to physical violence and not end up in jail. Unfortunately the people you are trying to influence