RAF Captain Pott Scarker

Maybe someone has made this point, but the Championship is an incredibly tough league with a grueling schedule. It's never a given that a Premier League side will go back up right away. Just look at how often Championship teams do well in the cups.

So I guess we have to wait until tomorrow for the "So this IS the end of Barcelona" post?? ;)

There's only one team in London.

Patrice Evra comments on Suarez...


It will be fun watching Arsenal give RVP a guard of honor next weekend.

And now he has a hat trick. Villa's efforts at defending are just comical. Assuming Suarez gets banned for the remainder of the season RVP is certain to win the Golden Boot.

"Mario Balotelli Does Thing"

Call your basic reading comprehension error "splitting hairs" if you wish. In any event your attempt to call out the writer's supposed hypocrisy is utterly misconceived, as others have explained.

The post says :

I'm confused why you're comparing Deadspin to the Wonderlic test. Does the NFL make draftees read Deadspin or something?

Isn't he managing Sunderland now?

Fortunately we have Gus Johnson to show them how it's done.

Who was that, Diame? Fantastic

Anyone who has been to Leeds.

This angle shows the gorgeous, curling trajectory of the shot. Curse you, Sideshow Bob.

fair enough, but I believe you misspelled not'murica.

Um, but he lives in Northumberland?