If I already owned a home free and clear, I wouldn’t worry too much about gaming the credit rating system either!

What are the chances she’s already been contacted by a porn site to do a lesbian scene? 100%?

Is Dom Consentino back on the staff full time? Or was that just a guest appearance?

Yeah, I can see how my comment might have seemed like I was trying to call you out or something. Not what I was going for. I just have Jets fan poise-related PTSD. And apparently skimmed the last few sentences too quickly.

This seems really familiar.

They’re the Antonin Scalias of medicine. They have substantial intellectual gifts which they squander to justify some set of beliefs which, for whatever reason, they’re predisposed toward.

+1 Psychedelic Scotsman

This news would bring a smile to my face if it were still possible for me to smile.

It’s a shame that this ruling didn’t come down before the Rob Lowe roast.

No idea. I’m just going by his Facebook page.

How in the ever-loving fuck is this guy single?

Well, you see, what’s going on here is that she’s making light of a minor issue connected to an incompetent candidate who has no business on the city council of a mid-sized city.

No, like rainbow with the Star Trek guy.

Rape is a far more heinous and depraved act than assault. I realize that my statement is conclusory, but I’m quite comfortable with that in this instance.

It’s not cool to joke about prison rape, so I’m just going to hope that he frequently gets the ever-loving shit beat out of him in a non-sexual way.

America truly is a great country. The Deadspin staff’s new ambition is for Tomi Lahren to disembowel us.

It’s like Jim Rome inhaled helium and also became a virulent bigot.

Brave take. Very admirable of you to take a stand against those who promote equality.

The poop emoji is obviously intended to be a butt plug.

Or in favor of civil rights protests.