You know the current AG is a black guy, right? Also from New York?

Yeah, I'm sure Sephora is targeting Asian people because they're super racist against them. That makes a lot of sense. Much more sense than a faulty algorithm or something.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

What every woman really wants is dinner made by a man who doesn't know how to cook, which is of course every man because we're all too busy swallowing our feelings to worry about what else we're going to eat.

Who are you wearing tonight?

I don't think who was born outside of...let's say 1985 and 1991 has ever seen Good Burger.

How about "I can park in this handicapped spot because in all of my 36 years on this Earth I've never once seen them full"?*

You clean up that language right now.

Usually, when a comedian gets into some shit over a joke that was near or a little over the line, I'm on their side. I want people to push boundaries and sometimes you just miss the mark. It's not as big a deal as some people would like to make it.

It's difficult to express how unimportant it is for the world to understand any of this.

This is all kinds of ugly. The fact that colleges try to sweep these things under the rug - and worse, blame the victim for having been victimized - continues to baffle me.

I guess the reason why this rubs me the wrong way is because I don't trust myself. I would abso-fucking-lutely creep on other passengers.

"I'm going to threaten you with rape because nobody in that video did."

Don't be intentionally obtuse. Women get harassed and worse by men from the moment they hit puberty. When they're alone they have a perfectly good reason to be wary of strange men, especially if one of those men is walking closely behind them for any distance. It's not a hardship to empathize with people.

No, and I'm not suggesting that it should be mandatory for everyone to take special steps.

Of course that's true some of the time, but I honestly believe that most people who do this are just completely fucking clueless. I got into a bit of an argument last year (I was more lecturing him, really) with a former co-worker because he's a guy who does this shit. It had never occurred to him that street

Same here. If I'm walking down the street when there aren't many people around and there's a woman in front of me, I make sure I pass her quickly just because I know it's probably creeping her out to know that I'm walking behind her. And I'm not even doing anything wrong! How can guys not sense another human being's

It was on someone else's back. She's carrying the microphones.

I think this study is great. Up until now the only thing men could claim when begging for sex is blue balls. It's the new ace up our sleeve!

It is not :)