I'm fairly certain he's just looking for attention. Trying to sound just reasonable enough to not be dismissed as a troll.
I'm fairly certain he's just looking for attention. Trying to sound just reasonable enough to not be dismissed as a troll.
If you spent more time reading, and less time trolling you might learn something.
We equate it with blame because that's what our culture does to rape victims over and over again. The focus is always on what the victim did wrong. Why don't we focus our attention on the rapist, the people who enable them, and the friends who ignore their behaviour?
It isn't possible to be strong all the time, or make the right choices all the time. There will always be people who are vulnerable for one reason or another. That's what rapists take advantage of, and why it isn't appropriate to blame victims when things like this happen.
Surely this article would make you see that there is a legitimate reason to be wary of men we don't know.
Assuming that the goal is to allow as many people as possible to have the day off on the same day (so they can do things together) then really nothing should be open that isn't essential. Anyone who does need to work should get a good rate of overtime to make up for it.
Well, this case seems to be incorrect at least because it doesn't appear to be possible to 'vaccinate' someone against pregnancies. So it sounds like someone is making up shit to prey on legitimate fears.
If this is what they were really tying to solve, there are other ways to go about it. For example, you could make it a criminal offense to interfere in someone else's pregnancy against their will. It doesn't have to be treated as a crime against the fetus - it can be treated as a crime against the person who is…
It's hard to be taken seriously as a woman full stop. But that is something that needs to change in the industry, and can't be fixed with an image change.
Someone who proposes in public without being fairly sure that their partner would like a public proposal and is likely to say yes probably doesn't pay much attention to the feelings or wishes of their partner.
My point is that girls are already under too much pressure about their looks. Don't go telling them they have to look perfect as well as be smart to succeed in STEM.
No, they need to sell the message that you can be any type of woman and still be in STEM.
Yep, which gave them a huge incentive to try to please and be appealing to men. Admiring that is creepy.
If you start feeling resentment towards the kids for taking up a lot of their father's attention and time, then it would be a good idea to back away. I think that was the source of much of the conflict with my step mother. It was not good.
Needing a 'wife' to do the entertaining is still something holding women back in some industries. It always makes me think of Sam from bewitched having to entertain clients on short notice.
Mandating a transparent supply chain and minimum work conditions would help. Unless rules are enforced at the consumer end, the companies will just keep country shopping to get the cheapest labour. Companies are getting very good at outsourcing work and then disclaiming all responsibility for the results.
Sometimes the best thing you can do with a tantrum is just ignore it as reacting, including removing the kid from the location, can often just reinforce the behaviour. Also, you can't reason with a child having a tantrum, unless it's a fake one, because they have lost all sense of self-control.
Yeah, it's not to blame the women they target. We are all vulnerable in different ways, and shouldn't have to live in the world as if doing battle with the men in it.
I posted this elsewhere on this post, so sorry for the repetition. But I'm pretty sure it is boundary testing, to find women who are less likely to resist assault.
That's what the escalating boundary-testing is for - to find out when they can get away with their predatory shit.