
Want to nom the bebbehs! But man, the rooster in Mongolia freaks me the eff out. IT'S GOING TO PECK THE BABY'S EYES OUT!

Carrot cake is simply a medium for getting the cream cheese frosting into your mouth. Team Ice Cream Cake!

@hortense: I would have worn the shit out of that outfit back in the day.

It's amazing what they can do with robotics these days. She looks so life like.

I'm a Whitney who always had to make do with the consolation Wendy personalized anything. After reading your description though, I'd call myself proud to be an honorary Wendy. I hope you'll all have me.

I would knock her down for that frock. Granted, she'd get right back up and kick my ass, but still.

Nine is my Doctor!

Now playing

Anybody else click on this hoping to find Jensen Ackles behind the jump? Or am I the only one who reads "Eye of the Tiger" and thinks of this?

@Chryss: Who doesn't love a YoSaffBridge joke?

@EkaterinaBallerina: I was thinking the same thing! I hope the curse knows better than to mess with Joan Holloway.

@mizz2bee: I was getting a bed sheet vibe off it while she was presenting. Also, would it kill you to run a brush through your hair young lady?

@teacup_human: Seconded. I would knock her down for that frock.

One of my favorite moments from Step into Liquid is the interview with the 10-year-old who's still afraid of the big waves. So she sticks to the 8-10 footers.

@zombie.nancy is a godess of fierce: It makes more sense if you read that statement as part of Posh's inner monologue. This is what happens when you skip straight to the comments.

@DellaStreet: It was unusually thoughtful of her to give the nannies credit.