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    If I’m reading things correctly it does, since the defendant is effectively admitting they did the thing but have exonerating or justifying circumstances, and they must then prove those circumstances. The burden of proof is lighter, though (preponderance of evidence instead of beyond reasonable doubt).  I’m hardly a

    IIRC claiming self-defense is what’s called an “affirmative defense”, which kinda-sorta shifts the burden of proof onto the defendant.

    But this begs another important question:

    The one time hockey players should be punching the shit out of someone, and they don’t. XD

    Female characters in actually protective-looking armor? Madness!

    Stochastic terrorism at its finest.

    I’m kind of hoping the next Democrat majority decides to stack the Supreme Court.  The howls of outrage from the right would be delicious.

    That doesn’t look anything like Elsweyr. >:(

    Must’ve belonged to the elven diplomat.

    “Desegregation was made law 40+ years ago, so obviously racism in modern America is purely mythical.”

    Note that he isn’t charged with any sort of possession violations, so he was likely (somehow) in legal possession.

    IIRC the guy has a prior, shot at someone in a road rage incident. Somehow still allowed to have a firearm.

    I think the really weird thing about this is that the object is much, much colder than the background. If it were hotter then I’d just go “missile or something, whatever,” but now I’m left at “huh, I have no idea.”

    IIRC cyborg food was a thing in GitS:SAC. It contained micromachines and nutrients for the still-living bits of them, and tasted kinda bad to normals. XD

    Well, it specifically says “misdemeanor”, which then brings in all those legal protections those who’re accused of crimes are entitled to. And this makes the legal system seize up and never move again.

    Making overstaying a visa a misdemeanor would be the most hilarious mistake ever. Enjoy having your entire judicial system hard-lock and never move again. XD

    Slight nitpick, they’re boosted fission weapons, not boosted fusion weapons. Also, there’s never been a pure-fusion nuclear device. :)

    How long until someone makes this into a horror movie?

    I’m really starting to hate the term ‘roguelike’, given none of these games have anything even remotely in common with Rogue. XD