
The only thing I disagree with here is that this is in any way a recent phenomenon, as Disneyland has increasingly been an exploitative fleece job that constantly movws away from Walt’s “vision” (and called out as such) for decades. Blackout days, restrictions, price increases, costly add-ons that force you to pay or

The Jaunt is a great short story. There’s barely enough for a half hour Twilight Zone episode. But then, they made two movies out of The Lawnmower Man.

I thought part of the problem with At the Mountains of Madness is that Prometheus came out and GDT felt the plot was too similar.

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‘Bring my shuttle.’ from the original unaltered version of Empire should be on here. His plan for the entire movie has just jumped off a gantry and He. Is. Pissed. But then George took it out to make room for more shots of Vader’s shuttle landing on the Executor, ruining the momentum of the finale, and in the

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Well this list is a great big bowl of fail, for including that idiotic “NOOOOOOOO!” line and omitting this ice-cold bon mot:

How about internal consistency?

it feels like they put cuts when they notice the actors about to catch up with her.

You’re also talking about the episode where Obi-Wan had to use his blaster on the laser gate to disable it when they could’ve easily walk around it, so....

The staging and cinematography for all the action scenes in this show have been bad.  The “chase” scenes with Leia are the worst offenders, but the fight scenes aren’t great either.  

I think the show did a great job with it.

tbf the Russian propaganda machine is pushing the talking point hard via astroturf campaigns. They literally are “using said racism as a shield against criticism”.

Eh, this is what I’ve come to expect from games journalists these days. I mean, perish the thought that someone calls out Russia’s war crimes without the old “But-but-but what about what the US has done in the past?”

Holy crap, can you please not feed into the whataboutism? At least not yet?

The whole “there’s too much zombie stuff” take doesn’t really sit right with me. Like, yeah, the same handful of tropes are done to death, but there’s still a fuck-ton of untapped ideas.

Once again illustrating that the root of the problem is almost always the people up at or near the top — the people who, in truth, have nothing to do with what a company or business is producing or providing, ie the least useful or valuable part of the company or business, ie its most expendable ‘employees.’

“The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.....but we released them because you gamers have shown you will buy any broken piece of crap day 1 lulz. We wasted so much money on QA on RDR2 for no reason!

This stuff always starts at the top. He should have been removed as soon as this came out earlier this year.

There’s zero guarantee that the digital copies you purchase will always be available to download. At any moment, a businessman can just decide to block you from doing that, and as console generations keep marching on and digital storefronts get older and older, the chance of that happening grows and grows.

Because the police are not charged with, or trained for, the prevention of crime, only the collection of criminals and fines. We like to compare today’s cops to colonial slavecatchers, but they actually have a lot more in common with medieval Sheriffs; minor landed gentry who do all the trash work the actual nobility

Across Realtime could be made into a great miniseries but one film would be pushing it.

Kudos for Across Realtime, one of my favorite books. I reread it every few years. One of the few books that makes the passage of big time seem truly long and lonely.