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    Uh, dark matter is called “dark” literally because it’s dark. It doesn’t interact electromagnetically.

    They should do a 28 Years Later, where some wag figures out the Berryman Logical Imaging Technique and starts posting basilisk images on the ‘Net that cause the brains of people who view them to crash into zombie-like rage.

    I kind of wonder if you could make a zombie horror game based on the idea of P-zombies... but I suspect that could be very uncomfortable.

    You might not...

    I use a combination of (washing) vinegar, dish soap, and epsom salt. Seems inimical to most green things. :)

    Because they want money.

    Sodium metal =/= sodium ions. It’s apparently due to the presence of sodium ions (Na+) that salt has its salty taste.

    Nobody ever likes my idea of installing a garbage disposal in the shower drain so you can also poo in the shower.

    Yeah it kinda feels like an attempt to subvert toxic masculinity, that ends up feeling like toxic masculinity. XD

    Eh, just stick with “Karen”.

    Why not just put more cheese on the outside of your grilled cheese?

    You underestimate peoples’ ability to deny reality.

    Could always post it on /r/whatisthisthing; their hivemind is disturbingly good at identifying obscure widgets. XD

    If it bleeds, it leads, baby.

    On an average day you swallow roughly 1.5 liters of nasal mucous.

    But...everything is cabbage. oO

    Wow, I can actually say “ok boomer” here and not feel dirty!

    Should call them “dummy barriers” so we can at least feel a bit more Ghost in the Shell...