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    Sorry, that probably won’t fly; the AT&T van was white...

    Man, I remember ragequitting this game when it broke out the hilarious cheating after I declared independence. The only thing that saved the game disc from obliteration was that it belonged to a friend. Good times. :)

    Isn’t it generally very rare for a defendant to take the stand in their own defense?

    Wishing rape and torture on somebody isn’t any better, you realize...

    You’ll note the lack of charges against the driver of the vehicle...

    Only you can prevent uterus slip-and-fall accidents...

    You’re thinking of a coilgun; railguns only need a conductive projectile or armature carrying the projectile. The magnetic forces involved are all generated by flowing current.

    Why would one stop demonizing bigotry?

    Why would you not be permanently barred from racing for doing things like this? I don’t get this tolerance of unsportsmanlike conduct.

    I dunno who designed the thing with that seam down the middle; goddamn that hurts to nick with a trimmer. XD

    Well, they should’ve chosen not to be born to such a poor family, then! :P

    Whaaaaat? Rich kids get deferments.

    Sufficiently-advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.

    Eh, just use the singular non-gendered “they” and avoid all the problems.

    Concealment so they can hit their ticket quota, maybe.

    Stadium staff should’ve confiscated the ball from him.

    He’s better than the last guy...

    Well, it’s hardly like Canadians will vote for electoral reform, regardless. At least he asked about it?

    Well, as a man, I think the father should get a say in an abortion if he’s the one who’s actually carrying the fetus. Until then, he can mind his own body.

    I’d say we’re less ‘impressed’ and more ‘shocked’. Like... a sequence of words that approximated something true were actually uttered by the Cheeto-in-Chief sort of thing.