
You can actually do all of the Apexis Assault dailies in one day now. The guy outside the door of your main building sells contracts, and those count.

He doesn't just throw it, he spins it, which creates angular velocity. Because as he's spinning it, he's resisting the hammer's inertial desire to just go straight. Think of it like being on a merry go round. You spin the merry go round super fast and your friend is on it. He hangs on and then lets go so he goes

I agree with your math and would agree with your hypothesis. Except for the 12th ball. Why was that one at correct pressure?

I'm really jealous of her lavender hair color. As an Asian, I can get to straw blond if I'm willing to kill my hair, but platinum has always eluded me.

Sorry, totally off topic, I know, but I'm less than sober.

The corpse run!

On launch, I made an undead warlock and my buddy made a troll shammy. He told me to meet him in Kalmindor, so I dutifully went toward the arrow pointing to him and started swimming. An hour later and umpteen fatigue deaths later, he asked what was taking me so long, did I need him to come meet me at the

I'm sure you let everyone in trade chat know this on a regular basis. :D

Godmode was what they called it because during battleground prep, all spells were mana free and cooldown free. It was so you could get all of your buffs in without worrying about going oom, which was a very real concern, especially for Tauren who walked backwards.

I hate to tell you this, but this was Vanilla WoW for the first few months as well. The number of people waiting wasn't as long, but the queue times could get quite ridiculous.

That being said, yesterday's seven hour wait to log in, while nostalgia inducing, was also quite frustrating.

I'm really surprised to see nothing from you guys on how horribly the new World of Warcraft launch is going. There are queues on most realms that are in the 4 - 5 THOUSANDS, with estimated wait times of over 5 to 6 hours.

This is from a company that has had four extremely successful expansion launches. And once you

The relativity bit combined with love reminds me of Voices of a Distant Star, which is a pretty good animated short, all things considered.

Still going to see this tomorrow night.

Wakanda vibranium is also the metal that was used to make Captain America's shield.

Blizzard is handing out 7 days of free playing time left and right. I actually got the 7 days offer on my current account, and my wife got one on hers. Check your old account email, or contact their customer service and they'll hook you up.

Holy fudgesicle. Did it find you? This one gif just sold me on the game.

Peter Hamilton gets a lot right in his Reality Dysfunction book. And the Honor Harrington series does hard space battles pretty well.

I'm glad I don't live in your world, where the colors are washed out, nothing is new and the only thing one has to look forward to is trying to shatter someone else's optimism.

Consider that the long version of, "You must be really fun at parties."

On your recommendation, I watched the trailer.
Played it again.
Picked up my jaw from the floor.
Threw money at my desktop.
Sheepishly picked up money while coworkers looked at me strangely.
Purchased game.
Considering pretending I'm sick so I can go home early and play.

i admit, i snorted a bit when i read your comment. +1

You, sir, take trolling to a completely different level.

I don't know whether to stand in awe of the vitriol that you generate or wonder why you don't use your powers for good.

Maybe both.

You should know that the IUPAC recognizes both aluminum and aluminium as acceptable for the element with the Atomic number 13.