
Actually, some players push to get to the end game and end game equipment and never do anything except end game raids or activities. Seen it a *lot* in many different games [I started back in the days of Everquest 1 ...] *shrug* Why do you think that you run into so many level 10 twinks that have an end game main?

They are finished when they are finished. Nobody is forcing these people to do them. They are doing them in their free time because it is fun, receiving no compensation during development or after release. Perhaps they will never be finished.

I know right? Everybody knows those things only come in blue.

Now playing

No, Mark. No! (Why did I watch this? Now I'm going to have to watch Clumsy Penguins 7 times to compensate.)

The only models I was taken aback by were the human females, they really botched those faces.

She never had a nuclear reactor. She was CV-64, nuclear aircraft carriers are "CVN". Similar thing with subs, SS is a conventional sub, SSN is a nuclear sub. This was the last carrier built outside Newport News. She has already been salvaged internally, this is just cutting up the hull.


For God's sake, he could just show them the living, worm-filled Vampire heart. They couldn't brush that off. But he'd rather be cryptic.

In the show, anyway. Things are different in the book.

Hey, eat shit, guy. They're enthusiastic enough about something to spend time and money making something, and then brave enough to go out in public, knowing that there are asshats like you who are going to reduce all their hard work and enthusiasm to "you have fat thighs therefore you are not worthy of my dick."

It's good, but it's not great. I mean, I know Fury took the eye patch off at the end of Winter Soldier, but those look nothing like the sunglasses he put on.

In college all the nerdy kids would meet up on the grassy knoll at my school and fence with foam axes, staffs, swords and the like. I was always kind of intrigued (being a deep down nerd myself.)

I've gotten two legendary and have yet to spend anything.

If I were to test for every psychological problem on anybody, everyone will qualify for some.

Hearthstone is as frighteningly addictive as WoW was when it first came out. It is so damn easy to lose track of time playing it. I have a Hearthstone problem, and I REGRET NOTHING!

sounds like lisp

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Thanks for taking the time to vomit your displeasure, instead of just skipping the post entirely.

Good man, Fahey—and good luck.