
Oh god, this brings back memories of Nadesico.

Went and saw it last night with some friends and it was ridiculous. But it was a good popcorn flick, especially after a hard day of mentoring some freshman's idea of good code.

And watching Stanley Tucci yell about prototyping and algorithms has made that scene my new introductory scene on the first day of assistant

raster v. vector? :D

My daughters would both have collective fits over these. So, out of curiosity, if one wanted to order a set of 3, how would one do so? I looked at the website and didn't see international shipping. Is there a third party site that would arrange for this? Or do I have to post a craigslist-Tokyo ad and pray I don't get

That was quite honestly some of the best trolling I've seen in a while.

Can't it just be a formal anti-harrassment policy period? I understand the feeling that most harrassment is aimed at cosplayers, but let's not exclude the non-cosplaying demographic that still gets harrassed.

Respawn timer takes forever though.


Lost almost all of episode I, which eliminates what drives Anakin so hard, i.e., his rise from a slave on Tatooine. The shadowy reveal of the Emperor/Darth Maul and the mention of the Sith is also gone, so any build up about the return of the Sith is lost. Episode II suffers from some other sloppy cuts as well.

Marc Webb is under contract with Fox. They let him direct Spidey 2 in return for the stinger for X-Men at the end.

I only wish that there would be some Wolverine/Spidey action going on in the future.

I love this game. Been playing since the second week of beta. It's perfect for quick games, and there's nothing more satisfying than crushing some impertinent warlock who's played Jaraxxus and thinks that they've won, only to face a three card Leroy Jenkins/shadowstep/shadowstep combo.

That being said, it's also

As a father who basically has felt out of his depth since day 1, I'm right there with you. Thankfully, there is a crapton of help out there. Stay at home dads are on the rise. I'm in grad school and work from home, so that's me.

Here's one of the things I read every week:

I have two daughters, 2 and 4. I've been gaming with them since before they were born. My wife would roll her eyes and tell you stories about me playing FF Tactics on my PSP while laying with my head in her lap, narrating what was going on to the child slumbering in her nethers. Or how she came home to find our

Not wanting to seem pedantic, but the phrase is, "cut of his jib". It refers to the shape of the jib sail on a sailing ship, and by seeing it, you could readily identify friend from foe. Consider it the very very early version of an IFF transponder.

Nimrod was actually one of the greatest hunters in the Old Testament of the Bible. It became used as an insult because he led the construction of the Tower of Babel, rebelling against the Judeo-Christian god, thus causing the scattering of the many tribes of man. All because he was prideful and rebellious.

And Days

Obligatory response:

Hold my bowling balls, I shall do it with beer!

Sorry. No. This is a common misconception. Lobsters and crabs are NOT of the same family as spiders. They are of the same phylum, arthropoda, but differing sub-phylum, crustacea vs. chelicerate.

Saying this is like saying that humans and fish are the same thing, culinary-wise, because we are of the same phylum,

That word bothers you? Irritates? Annoys...
bugs you?
sorry. I had to.