
I never understood the snobbery towards pizza. I’ve been to restaurants with a supposed history of producing fantastic pizza and I found them to be no better than the random shop up the street. The vast majority of pizza, even the “good” stuff often is a greasy and soggy, distinguished only by the toppings used. A

I’ll give you three reasons. You can get a large 3 topping pizza from Domino’s and other chains for $8 or so. The closest local shop charges over $20 for the same amount of food. Yeah, the local shop tastes way better, but for many people, especially college students, a $12 difference means a lot(like a 6 pack of

It’s cheap (there are always coupons. My co-worker says he’s never paid more than 60% of regular price).

I’m glad you thoroughly read the article, and provided a valuable addition to the conversation that wasn’t directly described in the article.

My girlfriend tried to make pizza a couple years ago... and it did NOT come out well. Telling people to make their own pizza is kind of like telling them to replace their own brake pads. Many people can do it, but some just aren’t comfortable with it.

It’s 11:30pm, you’re drunk, you’re hungry. The local pizza place is closed, Domino’s isn’t.

So there are these places outside of cities and suburbs which exist and Americans live in them. No, really!

I love it when wannabe foodies try and be pretentious but only end up showing they know nothing about the subject they’re pontificating on.

Unless you live in one of any number of places where the “local” option is actually inferior in quality an consistency to Dominoes. Or the better option is three to four times the price...

As a Toronto cyclist commuter (who also owns a car) and walks in the city very often, I can fully agree with you. Drivers seem to get very angry when a cyclist breaks a law that has absolutely no effect on them, which most of the time is for our own safety.

If you’ve ever wondered what The Straw Man Fallacy is, here’s a perfect example. Find me someone who said that the biker did nothing wrong. I dare you.

Excellent article Sean. I’m a daily bicycle commuter (winter too) and what you wrote applies equally to cylist/driver interactions as well. Vigilantism just isn’t answer. People suffer real-world consequences, long term pain, and sometimes they die.

I’d go find a gif that shows someone missing the point, but I’ve got better things to do.

You shouldn’t purchase cheap, referencing quality, and/or counterfeit parts for any part of your vehicle that relates to actual safety. This includes, but is not limited to:

-Seat belts
-Suspension components

This really shouldn’t need to be said, but sadly it does.

Well, there’s a ridiculous argument. Tesla has “below average” reliability, SO YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET A JAG! It’s like saying, The Detroit Lions were having a bad year, so I became a Miami Dolphins fan.

lol @ “proper engines”, and I’m sure a big Jag will be like a Camry in terms of reliability and costs once its out of warranty.

That’s true for any luxury cars.

Compared to Nissan's London taxi, not bad. Being completely British helps too.

They use the CNG versions of these things in Hartford where I live, and they are the BIGGEST THINGS IN THE UNIVERSE. I swear to god it's like being driven around inside someone's living room. I am 6'3 and I can walk around inside them. They're great.