This is where mods come in. TMPE has a setting that allows cars to use other lanes while on its route. It’s not perfect, but you do end up with more realistic traffic and full use of available lanes.
This is where mods come in. TMPE has a setting that allows cars to use other lanes while on its route. It’s not perfect, but you do end up with more realistic traffic and full use of available lanes.
...other than the fact that’s its usually cheaper.
Indoor wrenching? If only I had a place to wrench indoors in the winter.
That color scheme is also very effective for the police as it's surprisingly hard to spot the troopers when they run radar, even on a bright sunny day. The various county police on the other hand...
Better than Fysler.
He meant the Countryman. The Countryman is around the same length as a Golf, give or take an inch. It dwarfs other Minis, but it is still small when compared to other vehicles.
Mini Clubman. The front seats go back until they reach the rear seats. I'm 5'9 and my feat are at least a foot from the pedals when the seats are all the way back.
R53 FTW!
I'm looking forward to buying a used one in a few years or so.
Probably depends on the trim level, promotions, and where you are. I've seen some for sale in the high 9k range.
That's a cool looking little hatch.
But you can drive it in buildings!
That looks like the offspring of a Civic and a Volvo. Nothing like the Mustang.
My student loans are more than twice my car note. My car would be nearly paid for by now if my loans were a little more forgiving.
Thanks for the explanation. Having read that, I kinda want to see some SLABs. It's not something I would want to drive, but I sure do appreciate well-done custom jobs.
Good on you for teaching your daughter mechanical stuff. My dad did the same with me and that knowledge was very useful the few times I had to take my car to the shop. Plus, it's always good to have another mechanically inclined person around if you have a perplexing problem that needs fixing.
Why should you research it if it doesn't pique your interest? That's the point of commercials; to raise awareness of a product that was previously unknown to an audience.