
Checked your past comments before replying because this sure sounds like trolling and yup didn’t even need to scroll down to see the N-word.

as god as your witness? 

The enthusiasm does not transcend the stories, almost the opposite. Ryan North is in my opinion the greatest comedy writer in comics, and combined with his ability to write believable friendships and unpredictable stories makes Squirrel Girl one of my all-time favorites.

Excellent headline.

I think Richard Dawkin’s tweet was spot on. Traveling through airports can be a horrific experience with the TSA. It’s now made even worse through needing an enhanced license to travel domestically. Land of the free I guess....

Yet Jewish groups seem to be favoring this?

Thank you. Everyone also missed a huge part of eugenics, forced sterilizations.  Pretty sure that app doesn’t do that. 

There is no room for facts here, how dare you!

This point gets completely ignored every single time this story gets posted. They only have access to what you post or what you allow them to. Me peeing in my backyard? Nope, they won’t be seeing that. And Amazon/Ring editing press releases, well that's because you have to control your brand and a small police

This - Why do people gloss over that? The Police dont have access to the video unless you provide them access, regardless of what nonsense that Ring has enrolled you in. I have personally spoken to my police department about this. Either they are straight up lying to me, as is ring, and everyone else, or they need

Many, though they are typically somewhat sketchy sites - file sharing, certain types of games, or ones that are themselves infected with malware.

While I don’t doubt that touchscreen keyboards are gaining on traditional ones by leaps and bounds, I think the entire study can be summed up in this line:

Wait, you’re telling me it doesn’t make sense to pay a bill for the rewards points if you’re going to let the amount sit on the card and accrue interest charges?!

Follow your dreams, Frankie.

I don’t even worry about it. I always check my cc and bank accounts daily and if I see anything weird, I call it in and they immediately remove the charge. CC companies know how weak fragile the system is so they make it very easy and convenient for a client to contest a charge.

because when something looks too real, it breaks the suspension of disbelief

a wireless mouse that has a charge port on the bottom...

Everyone assumed that if a company that spends billions on R&D couldn’t crack the tech, no one could, but it looks like a small outfit has at least come close.

Maybe it’s a Russian thing. Over there, you get into hot coals with powers-to-be and you wake up with radioactive itsgonnakillium 666 up your ass.