
JSYK, the additional features of Notepad++ are primarily aimed at coders. It’s not any more Word-like than Notepad.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

You know, I’ve always been told that, but I dont think there is much science to support the idea that bacteria are more likely to develop drug resistance if you stop the antibiotics. It also doesn’t make much sense if you think of it evolutionarily.

Things evolve in response to a constant pressure. If there is no

I really just use it for “One of my plugins is fucking with a site that I want to read, and I don’t want to toggle all of them to figure it out” and “You’re out of free articles for the month”.

It means it won’t shock you or light on fire unless you do something really dumb.

Exactly, I hear a lot of recruiters changing that question to “what do you feel is an appropriate pay range for this position?” to get around the increasingly illegal question of “what’s your current salary?

According to me, room temperature fruit tastes better anyway. Cold can reduce the intensity of certain flavors and, though the topic remains poorly understood in scientific circles, room-temp fruit reads as juicier, sweeter, and more fragrant.

Elon Musk is like a walking SEC investigation waiting to happen.  Musk was probably informed that he’d have to stop making certain tweets as a member of the board and that just ruins his stock manipulation tactics.  

Does the show attempt to establish that the British personality was, in fact, his original one? Couldn’t not actually being British justify a truly awful fake British accent?  I know they’ve strayed pretty far from the conical comic origin.

I don’t want to see tongue, but I’m also old so tons of things annoy me.

which sounds much more mature than this”

Might want to give Maus a read.

Your models are based on a set number of variables. So that means you’ve reduced the variables, which are everything, to that set. Well how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation, if it’s about everything?”

If you have a natural gas furnace, the car generator could run the fan, which shouldn’t be more than 400 watts.

But even if the risk is one in a million, it’s no downside for them to block it:

You learn from your failures too?
They tried something, and overall it didn’t work. But I guarantee that there’s a lot of useful data in there as well.

Throwing working lights in garbage then shipping new ones from China to save 10c a year? You have it backwards. You should replace WHEN they burn out.

He’d better be in the clean room, making those goddamn chips with his own hands. 

Listen: your argument makes way too much sense, appears to have been borne from academic endeavor, appears open to further discussion and debate, and as such has no business being published anywhere on the internet. I don’t know if you know how this whole internet thing works, but now’s about the time where I should

Just releasing pet goldfish is just part of the problem. They are also sold as bait fish. Which can get off of hooks, or all that are left at the end of the day, get dumped into the lake by the fisherman.

There have been a couple casts like that, where they were ALL brought in and given “refreshers” on what is “acceptable” at work, which most laughed off before. Torchwood wasn’t the first, nor I doubt will it be the last, in these cases. Will & Grace and Torchwood casts are just two examples, and Pratt’s infamous nude