
You know, I’ve always been told that, but I dont think there is much science to support the idea that bacteria are more likely to develop drug resistance if you stop the antibiotics. It also doesn’t make much sense if you think of it evolutionarily.

Things evolve in response to a constant pressure. If there is no

It means it won’t shock you or light on fire unless you do something really dumb.

Exactly, I hear a lot of recruiters changing that question to “what do you feel is an appropriate pay range for this position?” to get around the increasingly illegal question of “what’s your current salary?

According to me, room temperature fruit tastes better anyway. Cold can reduce the intensity of certain flavors and, though the topic remains poorly understood in scientific circles, room-temp fruit reads as juicier, sweeter, and more fragrant.

I don’t want to see tongue, but I’m also old so tons of things annoy me.

If you have a natural gas furnace, the car generator could run the fan, which shouldn’t be more than 400 watts.

Throwing working lights in garbage then shipping new ones from China to save 10c a year? You have it backwards. You should replace WHEN they burn out.

Listen: your argument makes way too much sense, appears to have been borne from academic endeavor, appears open to further discussion and debate, and as such has no business being published anywhere on the internet. I don’t know if you know how this whole internet thing works, but now’s about the time where I should

I was thinking the same thing. He shouldn’t have used a student photo, and should have been very selective about the photo he did use (I would choose some wealthy celebrity), but a zoology class should definitely be teaching students that humans are in the animal kingdom.

Checked your past comments before replying because this sure sounds like trolling and yup didn’t even need to scroll down to see the N-word.

as god as your witness? 

The enthusiasm does not transcend the stories, almost the opposite. Ryan North is in my opinion the greatest comedy writer in comics, and combined with his ability to write believable friendships and unpredictable stories makes Squirrel Girl one of my all-time favorites.

Many, though they are typically somewhat sketchy sites - file sharing, certain types of games, or ones that are themselves infected with malware.

Wait, you’re telling me it doesn’t make sense to pay a bill for the rewards points if you’re going to let the amount sit on the card and accrue interest charges?!

Follow your dreams, Frankie.

Maybe it’s a Russian thing. Over there, you get into hot coals with powers-to-be and you wake up with radioactive itsgonnakillium 666 up your ass. 

look man is there an editor at the root? you’re constantly injecting typos and inconsistently spelling names differently within a paragraph. it makes the entire website look bad.

If I recall correctly, Alabama follows the Model Penal Code for killing someone, so it’s either murder (intentional killing) or manslaughter (reckless killing).

A standard defense for killing someone is “heat of passion” - meaning you were provoked and just reacted without any time to cool off. Under the Model Penal

Any salt can be kosher if it’s produced under kosher supervision, but it’s not because of Jewish dietary guidelines that kosher salt got its name. In fact, something labeled “kosher salt” can actually not be kosher at all!

Martin Perez should have gone to the “pen or wherever they keep the relievers” and killed Sam Dyson for all the hurt he put on the Rangers starters last year.