
If they are a throuple, then that is the most deranged throuple in history.

Matt, I’ll throw it out again because it is an important fact that seems to be missed. The Dali had two pilots aboard. A pilot is a local harbor expert who comes on board a ship to guide it into harbor. They work locally and they advise/drive the boat into dock. Even if the people on the Dali had gone rogue and


This might help with your reporting on conspiracy theories, but apparently there were two pilots on the boat, per NPR. If you don’t know what a maritime pilot is, look it up.
But basically, the presence of two local maritime pilots on board is why the FBI and others are quickly saying that this wasn’t anything

“puffery” in this sense means that something cannot be proven true or false.


Common misunderstanding between “radiating” and “radioactive”. Radioactive traditionally refers to things which are undergoing “radioactive decay” and the atomic nucleus is losing energy via radiation. No energy input is going into the system to make it radiate energy, it is radiating naturally

My father has been telling me about weaponized fire starting weapons and stuff and I thought he was nuts. Is this the same campaign or is there another one claiming “microwave” weapons started the fire?

The FAA absolutely needs a more stable funding stream. This would allow them to hire more employees more easily, and augment pay outside of the GSA schedule, which is problematically low in some metro areas. Most people dont realize it, but the FAA actually collects fees on tickets to fund air traffic. However,

Its not even that unusual. Michael Jordan was famous for sticking his tongue out while playing.

Kids in the Hall was surprisingly good.
If you are curious, watch the first episode until they get to the stupid bank robbers. If you don’t think they have re-captured the magic, then I can’t help you.

Im gonna be honest. The Iain (M) Banks cameo had me crying

You have bookmarks on twitter?

Just to nitpick, but I dont think Pike is gonna hand the keys over to Kirk.
I think he is going to get his face melted off and then they are going to call Kirk. For some reason I dont think there is going to be some official ceremony that Pike attends.

Is it just me, or does a TV show about bird watching sound like something you’d have to force me to watch as a form of torture?

You know, I’ve always been told that, but I dont think there is much science to support the idea that bacteria are more likely to develop drug resistance if you stop the antibiotics. It also doesn’t make much sense if you think of it evolutionarily.

Things evolve in response to a constant pressure. If there is no

The natural reef thing doesn’t exactly make sense.

The biggest problem with nuclear has always been “the availability bias”. Support waxes and wanes based on people’s fears and worries.

I dont see much benefit for NPR to use Twitter.
I know journalists love twitter for some reason, but its basically just a messy RSS program for press releases.

On knives, I’d recommend you get a fourth knife. A decent fillet knife.
Use it as a boning knife, use it fillet fish, use it to take the silver skin off meat. Use it any time you need a flexible knife blade to get a very thin cut.

How long do you think the Ukranian-Russian war has been happening?

There is a common misconception among these people that racism is “learned” from watching other racists. That isn’t true and we’ve performed numerous studies and experiments to demonstrate it.