
No. He called bullshit because you’re trying to change the definition of what the word/concept of etymology is.

That was a typo. Donald was up for Spider-Man during the last round of reboots (the Andrew Garfield ones).

“Coon’s Age” also falls on the started off not racist list and now is considered to be based as derogatory.

Right to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, from the preamble.

I applaud McChizzle for not allowing someone to be wrong on the internet.

By way of historical context, in case you might not be aware, proto-IndoEuropean used two gender classes - animate and inanimate - basically he and it. The animate class later split, in some IndoEurpean languages, into masculine (he) and feminine (she). This is why masculine pronouns are used to refer to both general

I tend to agree, while I only have my small sample size of people I’ve met to go on, everyone I’ve met that is trans prefers to go by the gender they identify with, so if they were born a man but want to be treated as a woman, they want to be referred to and treated as a woman, full stop. The people that flip flop

Is this potentially just a really good negotiating tactic? Because they were getting lowballed with just “he and she,” they countered with 1000 genders, then society counters with “they” and every goes on their merry way.

Yep — I’m perfectly happy to use they/them/their, but I’m not calling anyone xe/xem/xyr. Sorry, not sorry.

They/them/their seems to work perfectly in all cases, there is no need to go looking for additional options just to complicate matters.

I would wager a significant amount of money that Trump asked about aliens on his first day as president. Maybe even in the first hour.

Non-pedantic note, First Sale Doctrine applies to copyrighted items. E.g. books, movies, etc. This is a much simpler issue of unenforceable restrictions on transferability of personal property.

Ford’s lawyers are in for a “smackdown.”

IANAL, but a contract may not contradict existing law. If it does, it’s immediately invalid. Like all of us in the US, Mr. Cena has a civil right of property. Your stuff is your stuff, you own it, you may do with it as you please. The company has overstepped its bounds trying to enforce a contract that violates the

You’re good people, so I feel like I can share this longwinded story with you.

I truly appreciate and respect how committed you are to this bit, Kate.

You need to manage your drinking so you don’t slur too much when you go for the nuclear option and reveal what your sister did to your other sister’s hamster when she was six. Timing is everything - wait for someone to loudly try and change the conversation, then boom. Go nuclear.

Thank you for saving me a lot of typing — my brain almost exploded when I saw @phunkshun's comment. Christ.

@phunkshun I am very sorry but I feel I have to correct you here. The example of a pound of cucumber VS a pound of chocolate is, in fact, valid. Our bodies are not nuclear reactors, we do not use E=mc^2 to determine the caloric value of something (if we did, they would be downright astronomical). Caloric values are

Actually, I believe that you can take that one right to the first law of thermodynamics - energy is neither created nor destroyed, it merely changes forms. The myth is correct, the problem is everyone thinking that the calories which are actually obtained by your body from the food you consume and the amount of