
If you like nature(hiking, biking, etc), then the Ozarks are a great place to visit(Southern Missouri, Northwestern Arkansas, and Eastern Oklahoma). New Hampshire is also amazing.
They are all typically fairly low on the tourist list. In other words, you can rent a 5 bedroom house for ~$100/night in a national forest

Its on stitcher, for free.
(SiriusXM owns Stitcher)

This seems like the most likely reason.

For the last 20 years, I’ve mostly avoided squats because of a knee issue.

I can squat in a smith cage, if I basically lean back into the squat(basically turns the lift into a standing leg press). Any good “squats” that are easier on the knees?

A lot of “dating” skill is pretty simple.
1. Be friendly, kind, and polite
2. Don’t fart, belch, or make an ass of yourself
3. Avoid topics that no one wants to hear about
Example: Your diet, your minor health issues, a list of things that annoy you.
4. Be positive. If your date looks good, tell them. If the food tastes

Moon Knight is more like Hulk than Legion(in both the comics and the other media)

For those who haven’t read the comic, this change isn’t going to have any kind of detrimental impact on the story.

The character of Vanya is important to a single arc, and if memory serves they basically kill her at the end of that arc. The show has done far more interesting stuff with all of the characters. Honestly,

Enterprise, National, and Alamo are all the same company
Dollar, Thrifty and Hertz are the other company.

The even share the same lot at several of the rental centers.
It sounds like you just had an anal car rental place.

As someone who has rented A LOT, I wouldn’t worry about it.

99.9% of the time this wont come up. I’d only worry about it if it was a big dent. And unless you are renting from “Jeff’s Rental Agency”, the major rental car agencies are going to back down as soon as you say that it was already there.

If memory serves, the

This is a solution in search of a problem.

Step 1: Give them attention
Step 2: Do something fun(TV, video game, snack, walk, etc)


I think I find “tongue” off-putting because it reminds me of middle school. Technically, I don’t have any problem with seeing someone put their tongue into someone else’s mouth.

It just reminds me of cringey makeouts in middle school.
After high school, I dont specifically remember that level of public make out. So, I

Yeah, but I’ve also heard a lot of complaints from non-HOA people because their neighbors did stuff that an HOA would have prevented.

For example: Neighbor modified backyard and caused excessive flooding in my friend’s backyard.
Additional: neighbor let the house go to seed and brought down friend’s property value.

“Begging the question” is really a tautology. Example: Lifehackers is the best website ever because it has the best article. It is important to note that a fallacy is not necessarily false.

“Donald Trump is a moron” is an ad hominem attack. It is also true.

Yeah, this is a solution to the problem known as “the tragedy of the commons”.

Basically, how does a community deal with a member attempting to make short term gains that will have a long-term negative impact on the community. So, my neighbor may not want to put grass in his front yard and would prefer it to go to

Eh, I like my HOA.

Marginalizing and diminishing the power of minority groups is the same as it’s always been... what do you think is different about that goal now?

“Do you believe that every elected official in the USA is actively working to marginalize minorities?”

Also, your inability to answer the question about why you think governments aren’t trying to marginalize minorities is noted.