
So, this is a completely unhinged rant where you just want to let everyone know your “VERY IMPORTANT” views?
Got it. Have fun

Sure, in the same way that any and all contracts are a form of governance. Do you consider your cable provider a government because you’ve signed a 2-year agreement with them? What about the bank providing your loan? Is a marriage a government?

So we’re just going to pretend that an HOA is similar to a nation

Governments have been historically ran by white people trying to keep minorities oppressed. That doesn’t mean that government, as a concept, is a bad thing. Nor does it mean that all current governments are pursuing the same racist goals as their predecessors.

I can’t decide if I love Peter Dinklage’s hair or I hate Peter Dinklage’s hair

Any thoughts

Just FYI, i took a fall on my bike wearing a chest strap. Really bruised the crap out of my sternum

This reminds me, I need to make some fake ass ID card to pull out in random situations.

AND wing mounted camera footage that he managed to reclaim from a crashed plane...

The Govt (specifically the FCC) sold those bands for 81B then now in the final hour is saying it would be irresponsible to use them because its dangerous. Where were they the last couple years? No one checked with various agencies about the bands? The FCC is supposed to keep track of all this shit.

As an alternative, you can just backfeed your house with a portable generator.
The “legal” way to do this is install a breaker/outlet/interlock kit($60).
If your portable isn’t big enough, you can install a “sub-panel”. This means that you select which specific loads you want on a generator and only feed them during an

All you need to operate a gas furnace is a fan/control power. These are normally operated off of a 12A outlet. The actual load is typically less than 700W.

This is important to know, because if you have a natural gas furnace, it can’t operate without control power/fan. Which means, you can’t get heat, even though you

First, buy yourself an automatic thermostat. In that case you set a range.
Heat kicks in at 65, AC kicks in at 75
Also, the assumption is simply that you are using heat. That seems like a safe assumption for an article about winter heating?

Munn was in a weird position, but I think the more egregious example was Morgan Webb. Not saying anything bad about Olivia Munn, but she wasn’t some former intern given a hosting gig. She was just a random actor hired to host Attack of the Show.

Webb was clearly an avid gamer and had been involved with TechTV and G4

That’s a waste of money, and anyone who wasn’t a fossil fuel executive or a GOP member would have preferred that $1.1 billion going to renewable energy or even pollution clean up.

Not to be contrarian, but they can reduce the level of blood usage for a surgery.
Normal practice is replace EVERY pint. Emergency practice is only replace minimum needed, correct?

And some studies have shown better outcomes in these emergency practice scenarios.

One platelet donation=1-3 units of platelets

The defense was basically FUCKED.

Georgia law is clear. What they did would only be legal if you had personally witnessed the criminal committing a dangerous felony. Even the defendants themselves said that they were just suspicious that he was committing misdemeanor theft. They admitted they hadn’t witnessed it. They

Adult diapers?
I’m trying to wrap my head around why this would need to be in your “no questions asked” drawer.

If my child has a need for an adult diaper, I have obvious questions that may best be addressed by taking them to the doctor. I get the intent, but I think this would better be covered by letting your kids

Also, I’ve looked into rooftop solar... and it doesn’t seem worth it? It just seems like I’d be diverting who I pay for electric for 20 years, either the regular company or the solar loan. And then when it’s paid off all the panels will need replacement. I guess if you have the cash to get it without a loan it

As a PV engineer, I think you might be a little biased here.
Net metering, specifically net metering that pays retail rates, is a bit of a problem. It does speed adoption of solar, but it basically makes everyone without solar subsidize the solar install.

FPL also has a technical reason for being opposed to residential