
I dont know if they are overlapping.
Police aren’t supposed to be tasing people willy-nilly(they do, but they aren’t supposed to). Tasers are “less lethal”, not harmless.

There are a couple of potential scenarios
No reason to taser him, shot him on accident->lesser charge
No reason to taser him, shot him on

Stephanie, great job on the headline.
But I had to re-read that about 6 times before I groked it. That isn’t your fault.

Apple is still the bad guy. Microsoft store might have restrictive limitations, but I can install a game on my PC without touching the Microsoft store. Your comparison is Apples to Oranges.

Stadia/Luna/Shadow/etc all run perfectly fine on Windows machines. And they all work the same way as xCloud.

Is he in a NEW production of Jesus Christ Superstar or the original 1970s run?
Because given his age(66 from other comments), I am trying to figure out the timeline of his broadway stardom?

It says he did Kinky Boots before JCS, which didnt go up until 2012, so I am guessing he was playing a really old Judas?

Counterpoint: Decent LEDs look better. LED’s are inherently point source light, which makes them brighter and more distinct.

Usually an electricity service provider that doesn’t have generation on the ground essentially acts as a middleman, they buy on the wholesale market and turn around and sell to customers,” Ted Kury, director of energy studies for the Public Utility Research Center at the University of Florida, told UtilityDive at

For some reason journalists seem to have a very weak understanding of libel/slander laws.

Overuse “allegedly”
You don’t need to say “allegedly” when there is actual video evidence of the crime. Particularly if your video shows the crime but not the identity of the criminal.
Example: The man in this video who is seen

There is a complex discussion occurring where nuanced issues will be discussed and debated. Compelling arguments will be made from a variety of positions and hopefully some reconciled view will emerge after hours of lengthy debate.

24/7 News: Look at this castle. It is pretty

I think this event perfectly sums up the

Because it garners him a tiny amount of attention, and that attention will help him sell a memoir.

AV Club gets clicks.
Kal Penn gets book sales.
It is a mutually beneficial arrangement

There have been back and forth news stories about eggs being good or bad for you for decades

Ah darn. I thought I could get in before the first crazy person posted something stupid about MSG.

No one has an MSG allergy. That is fundamentally impossible. It would be like saying you have a water allergy or a salt allergy. Now water can still harm you, but no one is allergic to either water/MSG/salt. If they were,

I dont see exactly why you are pissed. Their business model wasn’t to profit on higher prices. Their business model was to buy under market, but with a quicker close and no real estate fee, and then sell it at market.

The profit was based on the idea that they could do inspection/repair/sell much cheaper at scale. They

This is pretty clearly not a “social media” site.
This is a subscription video service.

They slapped on a Mastodon client at the end without even changing the GUI. The “social media” will be a dumpster fire, like the comments on a Fox News article. The big names will all use a different method to upload.

They ride motorcycles FOR WORK.
Riding a motorcycle is at least 40x more dangerous than a squad car.
Of course they don’t actually care about safety.

Don’t believe me?

They say that having your phone on can cause problem for cellular antennas, which was a legitimate concern in the past.

The FCC did not make the rules about electronics on airplanes. That was the FAA. And they didn’t make a rule, they said that the airlines should make the rule and the airlines decided not to do it

“Don’t shower during a thunderstorm”
My house has iron pipes and a cast iron tub, but copper pipes can do this, as well. The chances are very low, but since your pipes are grounded, a REALLY close hit could send some energy through your electrical AND plumbing systems. In fact, your electrical and plumbing systems

I’ve always kept at <5 gallon at work.
The trick is to just have neocaridinia shrimp. They are colorful, cute, and interesting. And they do fine in tiny aquariums. Add some moss or similar plants and it works great.
No fish needed

“air conduction” headphones?
So, speakers. They are speakers? That is what “air conduction” means.

You could just buy a cheap pair of open air speakers and do the exact same thing

“air conduction” headphones?
So, speakers. They are speakers? That is what “air conduction” means.

You could just buy

In addition to making casually sexist remarks about women being inferior athletes to men,

She is an idiot, but she ain’t wrong.
Listeria in food results in roughly the same hospitalization/death rate as COVID. Most other common food poisoning are about 10% as deadly as COVID.