
to a time when sleds weren’t a thing

The weight being dragged just looks awful.
So many questions.

The guy is wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts, which seems like an odd choice for working out. The sidewalk has deep gouges in it from this activity that I can clearly see. As you said, the noise must have been horrendous. Plus, you are destroying both the

It doesn’t quite work this way in reality. There are markets where renting is easily the more prudent way strictly from the financial perspective and those where buying is clearly the way to go. And that part of the equilibrium isn’t shifting much. There are other factors involved.

Hypothetically, rental prices should be slightly higher than home purchase prices, all things considered.

When you use a barbell for pullups, you’ll need to bend your knees so your feet don’t hit the floor on each rep.

The whole “red pill” bullshit from the right is hilarious to me, in so much as the Matrix is clearly a trans allegory as written by trans people.

Look, I love watching Wachowski movies, but they aren’t exactly the Shakespeare of our generation. They have beautiful concepts and even better visuals, but that is about the extent of their genius. Their scripts are subpar and they only work when they steal a whole bunch of ideas.

In the case of absolute dating, it’s possible for scientists to nail down the age of a fossil to a year or a possible range of years. Absolute dating “uses chemical or physical principles to infer exact times, within a certain amount of error,” said Meyer. This approach, known as chronometric dating, relies on

That woman is crazy. She obviously didn’t lock down her trailer, which is why it wound up getting dragged by the chains.

I’m curious to see if this guy is QAnon crazy or “lizard people” crazy?
Maybe both? We will see

When did we start negotiating with terrorists, again?

10 Other Things you shouldn’t say to pregnant women:

1. Are you sure it isn’t an alien symbiote?
2. Have you considered an abortion
3. How much would it cost to buy the baby now?
4. Are you absolutely sure it isn’t an alien symbiote?
5. Have you read any of the lists on lifehacker?
6. Hey dumbfuck, why did you get pregnant?

Classic libel-proof plantiff

My thoughts exactly.
Unless this asshole has some specific knowledge of the technology or application, I don’t see the fucking point.

He is going to sit down in a suit, browse porn, having some golf “meetings” and tell everyone to work harder. I’ll do it without a criminal record and for 1/100th of the cost.

Here is how this works:

Actually, we have no idea about Van Helsing’s ethnicity.
We call him Dutch because he is said to come from Amsterdam, but he keeps using German phrases. Some Dutch do speak German and German was also a common language of science at the time. However, both make it unlikely that his exclamations of surprise would be in


He said it was an interesting experiment because of the window, which is a perfectly valid statement. He was not insulting the movie in any way? Did I miss something?

Honestly, I would be more pissed if he called the “Black Widow” release an “interesting experiment”, since they used the Disney+ release to undercut

They are obvious, which is why they are a problem.
The flight crew tells them no and the passengers throw a hissy fit and punch the flight crew.

People tend to not listen to the instructions at the beginning of the flight. They say, very explicitly, that you must follow ALL directions from the flight crew or else you

They got drunk, they stay groundside until they sober up.

This had been growing as a problem for awhile.
I used to work out of Las Vegas, and I watched multiple arguments between flight attendants/gate agents and passengers who were trying to carry their drink on to the plane.
But I am sure that airport bars are even more willing to get an extra tip/sale with business being