
Can we discuss this weird quote from the article:

Well, by all reports they did let him remove the pepperoni, so it may not have been entirely about forcing him to eat something that was against his religion.


They are running a lot of similar programs on VPNs.

Is she going to get pregnant and make Gwen babysit?
Or was that a different spiderwoman?

are these still using an off-the-shelf qualcomm chip?

Please stop. You’re being intentionally obtuse. You know exactly why this is offensive and so does that damned teacher

He singled out a black child not even in his class and called him an animal, and then brought up primates in his “defense”.

But the reason the teacher immediately thought of this Black child and then went on to start trying to explain about primates is that even the racist teacher probably isn’t fully aware that he equates Black people with non-human animals

I dont think the teacher is “justified”. I’m just not sure the teacher should be vilified.

Yes. It is.
Because I didn’t say that the teacher did a good thing in this situation. What they did was clearly wrong. They shouldn’t have used ANY student’s picture at all and they definitely shouldn’t have used a black student’s picture.

The point?
In a zoology class, a teacher told students that humans are primates and therefore animals. I would expect that to be the case, since that is true.

Im constantly surprised by how many people don’t know what an “animal” is. Bugs are animals, humans are animals, earthworms are animals, oysters are animals, etc.

I dont know that I would be sharpening my pitchfork over this situation. This could have been a tone-deaf mistake.

Why don’t you just tell us which Qualcomm these are using?

Why don’t you just tell us which Qualcomm these are using?

“I know I’m a human, you’re not about to sit here and say I’m other than that.”

I really appreciate all of the attention that the Tulsa massacre is getting, but I think we need to pay attention to all of the massacres. Tulsa was just the LAST major one. I remember vaguely learning “bad stuff happened” during the Reconstruction period. I don’t remember being told that THOUSANDS of people were

40% of the population lives on the coast in the USA

And let’s try some other substitution....If you are NOT teaching that discomfort should be felt for the way that the US treated people like chattel or stole land from the indigenous, then you are teaching that Blacks and Native Americans should feel no distress which IS distressing.

Eh, one of the best Moonknight comics deals with the fact that he reconciles his different personalities and uses them somewhat constructively. The entire comic is a discussion of the fact that his mental illness does not need to be a debilitating problem,

which shared his firmly held belief in the “biological foundations to race,” and helped shape his white nationalist worldview.