
Where is our Benedict Arnold statue?

2 things:

I strongly disagree. We are going to continue to see new religions. The problem is that most new religions spend the first few centuries in relative obscurity until the hit critical mass. Many of them go extinct during this time period

Hitler was an animal rights activist who banned vivisection of animals.

Or buy them from someone who has live shrimp?

The failure to hold them truly accountable is what spawned Jim Crow and 150+ years of lynchings, sundown towns and subtle, barely hidden bigotry to this very day.

Doug and I got into a twitter spat before he deleted all of his tweets.
He was a full-blown QAnoner and seemed only mildly technically competent. He made a few statements that I considered anathema for someone with actual knowledge of the workings of computers.

Whataburger spicy ketchup > Chick-fil-A sauce.

I feel like Mixed-ish was never going to be as popular because it was a “nostalgia” show. I have to be honest, I didn’t watch it because I didn’t really want to watch another “that’s why I love the 80s”-type show.

And I’ve yet to see any show that engages in “time travel” that doesn’t quickly engage in “remember this!”

didnt they also allude to the idea that someone would rape/murder our wives?

Apparently they were right again

Oh, you haven’t talked to any people who watch OAN?

I’ve had numerous relatives tell me that they think Dr. Fauci specifically engineered it as a bio-weapon for some nefarious conspiracy

I dont know the goal of the assignment, but I can imagine quite a few scenarios where the assignment(not the examples) was acceptable. Arguing both sides of an issue can help kids with critical thinking skills. Having a class debate an idea like: “Should we ban homework?” is fun and useful.

The problem is that this

What part of this law says teachers arent allowed to make students feel distressed?

You missed my point. The law does not say anything about the students “feelings”. It says: You cant teach that students SHOULD feel a certain way. It does NOT say that you can’t teach something BECAUSE it will make students have feelings.

I dont disagree that this SHOULD be the way.
However, legally? I dont think you can do it.

I had the same thought at first, even going further and thinking that his brand of evangelical Christianity was the bigger factor in his privilege, as opposed to his whiteness. But then I realized that whiteness is a fundamental characteristic of said brand so it’s really a po-tay-to/po-tah-to scenario.

I feel like “Christian” needs to be included in the discussion of his privilege, but that isn’t the right word. His specific brand of Christianity is very popular with a specific segment of the population, but it isn’t really a denomination.

I had the displeasure of tweeting multiple times with Doug.
He is a full blown crazy uncle. He had comments about COVID, the election, etc.

If I had pressed him, he probably would have said something about Pizzagate. (Un)fortunately, I was only tweeting with him in a perverse attempt to get him to see the insanity of

I looked at the law. What it says is pretty limited

shall not teach: any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or anyother form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex

So, they aren’t saying that students cant feel uncomfortable. The students discomfort is irrelevant. They are saying

First: Oklahoma is a state that is so bad at writing laws, they once legalized a form of rape ON ACCIDENT

Here is a part of the law they recently passed. I can’t parse it.