
They don't want to label it because people are idiots and they fear "non-natural" things. I appreciate their concern. You drink beaver anus extract(Castoreum) and smile because it is labeled "all natural". You won't drink artificial vanilla flavoring, even though it technically contains the exact same chemical as

Now, go back and read Emily's post. It says the same thing in a slightly more "hippy-dippy" way

May I make a constructive suggestion. Following the post about reading more, I would like to recommend a book:

It is true. It is actually the only real concern with GMO food. People who worry about GMO food being bad for them(i.e. eating it will hurt you) are all fear-mongering morons. There is absolutely no evidence to demonstrate this fact.

"There are over two million available organic chemicals, and only a small number have had safety studies which would be applicable to the average person, and yet could be deadly to maybe one in two million, or could cause detrimental health effects in some but not the average person".

Apple doesn't need to spend much on R&D. They make a computer operating system/a phone operating system/some random software. There operating systems are just branches of Unix.

I cannot try multiple products or services before purchasing, however they typically use a normal economic model for pricing. I cannot "try" a plane/trane/bus ticket before I use it. I am fully committed to the purchase. However, the price of these tickets is typically selected to maximize profit for the company

That is actually the problem. They HAVEN'T done the math. There are two problems:

It isn't "technology", it is a concept. Apple wanted them to pay to license a concept.


He described the iphone(original) as the most "hotly anticipated handset" ever. I know it was a bit of hyperbole, but the only people standing in line to buy that puppy were ipod fanboys. The general tech community wasn't in love with it. It was VERY popular with a small but dedicated group. Google was very

EVERY SINGLE ICON is different(except the phone). The ones that are "similar" are ALL drawing off of earlier conventions in icons.

Windows Mobile used "blue" for settings, to distinguish from the physical "call button".

Google won't do that. Google wants you to use the internet. Google doesn't care how you use the internet. They just want you to "google" stuff.

The iphone was one of the most anticipated phones ever? If I remember correctly, no one was even sure if the iphone idea was any good. It didn't have 3G connections while every other smartphone did. It had no software or apps, something that Palm had created 9 years prior. The fervor around it was all because of

Why is "some weird fucking chemical" a problem? Chemicals aren't inherently bad. They could be naturally occurring ones or synthetic ones, it doesn't really matter. Some of them can kill you and some of them are good for you. We don't know which ones do which until we inject it into the system and gauge the

So is this his reaction to fans who argued he crammed too much into the LOTR movies? He is now going to take a MUCH shorter book and make it just as long?

It is big business. That is why it just got posted as an article that draws all kinds of conclusions not found in the actual study.


Of course it is, it is occurring on the internet.