
Right...anything altered from its natural state is a huge catch-all. Cooked food is technically altered food. Now, my biggest problem is how do you turn "altered" food into "shit that is not good for you"? Altered doesn't automatically mean bad. It could be good to alter the food. A long shelf life isn't bad for

No, it is off the chart for certain processed food. There isn't any rule that "processed food" has to be "off the charts". As part of my workout regimen I frequently take heavily processed protein. This stuff is about as processed as you can get, but it is low in carbs and sugars(sugar is a carb), and in sodium

Now, I totally agree with that. A food diary where you monitor your ratios is absolutely the best way to lose weight(or get healthy in general). I do the same, and it has worked out fantastically. My main point was that claiming that "processed food" is bad simply plays off of our fears of chemicals. We all know

Why is processed food bad?

I understand the argument, but it falls short. The patent on 5D effectively covers ALL technology which is similar. An analogy would be the combustion engine. While the "otto cycle" combustion engine was patented, they didn't allow a blanket patent on the combustion engine. Other engines that deviated from the

They are...because these patents don't help a damn thing. If they were patenting technologies being churned out by their R&D department then I wouldn't be upset, but they are patenting ideas churned out by their creative team.

Requirements are now that you must produce a demonstrable model before patenting a perpetual motion machine.

I seem to know more than you think. It isn't that long, painstaking, or expensive. It is a bit convoluted, and does require some legal paperwork but it is not the arduous task you have presented as in this post.

What exactly are they patenting? An idea? Do they just walk out of brainstorming sessions and file for patents? That isn't what patents are meant for and it isn't helping anyone.

Still confused on how this is wrong. There are only so many words one can make out of hex, and "boobs" is one we all remember from the calculator days of grade school.

Yeah, but even if the article is well-reasoned...the purpose for writing it was most likely to get this kind of attention. There isn't much interesting to comment on how Facebook avoids being too intrusive so that they don't have to deal with false positives. Similarly, it isn't very newsworthy to report on the fact

In all honesty, almost all of the molestation is from "Uncle George". It isn't even close. I think the number is 85%. The number of actual "stranger danger" abductions? 55 per year in the entire United States. Your kid has a better chance of dying at the beach than being killed by a "child abductor".

I hate to be the callous voice of reason, but I don't find anything wrong with their policy. Facebook is not a police organization. They are attempting to stop illegal behavior, but they aren't active and invasive in their actions. They are leaving the job of policing to the police.

1) Selective breeding isn't exactly Eugenics, and I think that point is glossed over to make the first several arguments. The two have become linked because for a significant period of time that was the primary method(mimicking animal husbandry)

Discussing the impact would be complicated. It would be significantly more complicated if we are discussing Nickel-Iron batteries. Nickle-Iron batteries have lifespans measured in decades and can withstand more abuse than just about anything else in the world. They suffer from a few major drawbacks(they weigh more

People are meant to die fighting loyally in my Royal Army, not dying of syphilis in their beds.

Apple is a company that is in the business of making consumer electronics. They look at a product and think "How can we make what people want to do easier?". They do this because this sells more products.

Awww wow...

So, your basic argument is that because attempting to enforce safety might cost you a few more pennies on your cellphone bill then we shouldn't bother with safety??

I fail to see the major issue with my grammar. If you would like me to post a lengthy discourse explaining the flaw in your reasoning, I would be more than happy to provide you with such a post. The core of the argument against AT&T is that they knowingly employed contractors with sub-standard safety practices.