Or not.
Or not.
My common password is insanely simple. It is also only 4 characters long. It also unlocks my phone(letters=numbers on a phone). I use it for everything that isn't very important.
Let us ignore the fact that almost all experts on ergonomics agree that "touchscreens" are a horrible normal interface. Just google "gorilla arm"
Ah, at first I thought it was a Berimbau....
funny thing about evolution. Sometimes we have "convergent evolution" which is when two different animals evolve the same feature. Sometimes we do not. You can't test a hypothesis like this by determining if other animals who were dealing with the same problem evolved the same features. You just have to determine…
While I have to agree that one needs to adapt their career to their disorder....I don't think you have a full grasp of what ADhD is and how it effects someone.
I know. That used to be the case, not anymore. DSM-IV in 1994 changed this distinction and now what you have is referred to as ADHD predominantly inattentive. A subset of ADhD. Basically they changed their mind. They are the same disorder, just exhibited in different ways. This isn't anything more than a…
As someone else who also has ADhD(they quit using ADD as a medical term, ADhD covers all manifestations if hyperactivity is present or not) I understand.
Look at what is written under the word "Tr0ub4dor&3". They give some indications as to how to reduce the 'entropy' of the password.
Yeah, if you used a dictionary you would have 500,000 words(assuming all english). That would be 6.25 * 10^22 possible combinations. Your method is better, but it would still require a significantly long time to crack my password using only 4 english words.
He is arguing that when you require certain rules, then you can reduce the actual complexity. It is actually a salient point which calls into question your line of reasoning.
When is somebody going to glimpse your password? Doesn't your browser use * to hide the characters?
This entire thing drives me nuts. Apple builds a beautiful phone, but they built it in a sandwich of glass. There is no way that it can stand up to abuse.
If I remember correctly, most password experts argue that we get the security all wrong. Rotating passwords frequently and using no real words and adding symbols, etc are all useless strategies.
Your password for stuff you don't care about is 23 characters long? My password for giz is less than 6 characters long. I really don't care. The same is frequently true for other random things, particularly anything that doesn't involve any significant personal data being used.
Why? As long as all of your connectors are UL-listed you should be fine. A processor is not going to get hot enough to cause spontaneous combustion.
I think the comment was about a larger case vs a smaller case. i.e. if you are trying to hide a computer you are probably going to be using a small case which will make it hard to upgrade
No...they don't. Short people suck
Flying used to be like that because of airline regulations. The gov't set the price, and everyone flew for the same price. The airlines, therefore, had to compete on amenities and hubs. So, they would have the cutest stewardesses, free food, and the shortest possible flights. This is why it was so nice. It was…
Problem: MacGyver built real things out of random parts.