Well, there is some difference between being irresponsible and placing a higher priority on certain activities.
Well, there is some difference between being irresponsible and placing a higher priority on certain activities.
Also, why are so many people having babies. Babies cost a lot of money, and they rarely have any return on investment. Why are you people so stupid?
That was painful to read. That sounds less like a comment and more a salespitch.
I know people who attended this university. If you ever wanted proof that Texas State is not a true university, but rather a community college trying to pretend to be a university....I think I just found some evidence.
What was that about less bowties?
The science provided a way to prevent it from happening. The basic point is that maple breaks more because of a manufacturing defect. When you know the problem is a defect you can work to stop it from happening.
Do you want to send your data as txt? Expect to pay $600/MB
Felines can typically all interbreed. Its a bit of a messed up thing. They aren't all viable...
New Mexico and West Texas slowly blend into a pastiche of rural stereotypes as you drive across. Are there some wonderful people working on wonderful things? You bet!! Is there industry and innovation and creativity? You bet because humans live there! Does the entire area seem to be in a perpetually dusty state…
1) I don't think this dye is specifically designed to track the protestors outside of the immediate area. Judging from the picture it doesn't look to be dyeing anyone. It just seems like pink water. Besides, if they were using "dye" that stayed...they would have one hell of a cleanup job. Maybe to identify the…
Don't banks use red dye?
I actually got Sprint to give me free text messaging at one point by pointing this out. They had completely screwed up my account by some crazy mistake, so they were trying to get me back my old plan.
Hey...don't call Captain Morgan a pirate...or he will sue the shit out of you!!!!
Not really...not if they were only paying $1000 for them.
It is absolutely ridiculous that anyone even needs to officiate. Essentially anyone can officiate the ceremony. The marriage is essentially legal after the couple signs the marriage license.
They are switching....AT&T and Verizon are both expanding their fiber offerings. Bandwidth does cost a lot when you cant even offer it over your existing technology. DSL maxes out at about 8 Mbits. They also can't offer that speed any further than about 2km from their substation. In an urban area, there may not be…