Are you Gregg Easterbrook?
Are you Gregg Easterbrook?
1-for-1, this will be Melo's most efficient shooting night ever.
Too bad. It would be cool if the Bears were beaten by a gay man.
5. Minnesota. Who was the coach? Did they even have a coach? Was it that guy with The Thing? He seemed nice. Whatever.
"I'm a news guy but here is a small sampling from our facebook page. Their words, not mine."
I literally spent several minutes wondering if Senile Jerruh was a DT prospect from Nigeria that I hadn't heard of.
"Whipping boy? Whipping boy? I thought I was America's whipping boy"
Hey, did you guys know that 'Romo' sounds an awful lot like 'homo' and you can use his name to make brilliant homophobic puns? It's true. I asked my dad.