
I think what he's trying to say is Cabrera is worth a lot more to them than 5-6 wins to the team, and therefore WAR is a slightly dodgy statistic in his opinion, rather than saying 'well for 5-6 wins' it isn't worth it.

Ah yes, in meaningless friendlies, like when a team loses in pre-season in the NFL. Don't worry, I'm sure beating Chelsea's second or third string team makes you very good in the MLS.

I think if that had happened it would have been the most petty and pathetic thing and I'm so glad it didn't happen. It really doesn't help your case if you're going to do that, and I'm far more annoyed they would think about doing that to someone completely separate to the incident just because of their coach, than

No, he's real and has possibly the coolest beard ever possessed by a track athlete

The MLS is nowhere near the middle of the Premier League that is a completely ridiculous thought. Some teams are but the overall quality in more indicative of the Championship.


I think calling it soft is a bit harsh but I do understand. The problem is indoors is often seen as a distraction for many, particularly distance runners. I think indoors is underrated, but when the major prizes are all to be won outdoors, do you blame them? As you said, it also clashes with most peoples training at

I know you've said you aren't gay, but do you really, really like women?

Thank you, it seems with Revis in Tampa and the Sherman hype train at full speed everyone's forgotten he truly is the best cover man in the NFL

As a UK based NFL fan, the idea of a London based team is really interesting, although ultimately unappealing to me. I'm not just going to stop supporting my team because suddenly there's one in London, most people in the UK hate the whole London centric thing anyway.

The question is, would you be/have been interested

I don't know if this would be more offensive to his brother if he is still alive, or if he actually is dead


I now urge you to re-watch this but looking only at the official under the posts. His Madden awareness skill is precisely zero.

This is a Schiano Man

You call this stupid, but actually it was just forward thinking

Russell Wilson's pretty short as well...

Can we have a reprisal of the 'Go fuck yourself' a la Donald Trump?

I have no doubt Dom Capers will still have 0 idea how to contain Kaepernick. I don't think he'll run all over us (we kept him in check week 1 albeit with Clay Matthews) but Crabtree is starting to look real dangerous and Boldin demolished us last time.

HOWEVER, the real difference is he won't be on the field so long,

The less said about our teams tackling the better. If I'm Jim Harbaugh I'm trying to get all their running backs into the secondary because lord knows our corners believe that throwing your body at a guy is what constitutes a tackle.

This thread is beautiful, thank you all